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When running terminal programs via the ">" prefix, it would be great if Alfred could tab-complete the commands. For instance, I sometimes must run Emacs directly via /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs.  If I open a terminal window, I get tab completion to help me keyboard in the details. When I run ">/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs" I must type it from memory. Not a big deal, but if I haven't done it in a while, it may take me a couple of tries to get it right.

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Nothing to do with the auto complete, but what i usually do is to use the clipboard. If it is within in 3 months you can simply pop the 

clipboard make a quick 3 character search copy and paste into Alfred again.

Just a tip tho, with the rest does Vero or Andrew have to help you. Maybe it comes out in Alfred v3 

Edited by FroZen_X
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This has been asked a few times, so I’ll be closing this post as a duplicate.

This is not easily doable, as you’re asking Alfred to basically guess what your shell environment is, as well as being able to read it and interpret it correctly. I’ve expanded a bit on another issue.

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