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Why does Alfred swell out icons?

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When I create icons for my workflows, I resize them and optimize through tinypng.org according to Andrew's advice.


But I've noticed that when I drop an icon into workflow details dropdown or into some object (for example, Script Filter) configurator, Alfred modifies the icon.

And the modified icon has a much larger size. More than ten times larger. The size is even larger than the icon had before optimizing.


I wonder why does Alfred do it?

And if Alfred does it, maybe it is pointless to optimize icons?

Edited by shau-kote
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When Alfred writes the file, it's a png saved from the raw image data dropped into the image cell. This is why you are seeing larger icons saved.


I recommend using TinyPNG to make the images smaller after they have been added to the workflow, directly from the workflow's folder.




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Thank you for so quick answer.


Just to clarify: I just put icons into workflow folder, name them "icon.png" (for workflow) and "{uid}.png" for workflow objects, and all will work properly. Did I get it right?

Edited by shau-kote
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The easiest way to do it is to put the original images directly into the workflow editor, Alfred will downsize them to 256px, then at some point later, reveal the workflow in Finder and drag all the created pngs into TinyPNG, download them and put them back into the workflow editor :)




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