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Alfred snippets conflicting with VirtualBox

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  1. I have a Macbook Pro with OSX running 10.11.6 and Alfred 3.0.3.
  2. I also have VirtualBox 5.0.26 running a Windows 7 64-bit VM. The Windows VM has AutoHotKey (AHK) installed. In case you're not aware, AHK is a free text expander tool for Windows.
  3. When I have Alfred Snippets enabled under the Features section of the main window of Alfred, AHK in my Windows VM stops working. The shortcuts I enter inside the Windows VM always expand to the character "v". For example, I have "workphone" as the keyword in AHK which usually expands to 123-456-7890. When Alfred snippets is enabled and I type in "workphone" in a text editor inside the Windows VM, it only expands to "v". It's the same with all keywords.
  4. When I disable the "Automatically expand snippets by keyword" checkbox in Alfred, the shortcut works correctly in the VM.
  5. I also clicked on the little Settings icon next to the checkbox and added VirtualBox in the list of exceptions to not expand snippets but it didn't help.


Can someone help please? I want to be able to use Alfred Snippets when I'm using OSX and AHK when I'm in the Windows VM.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Can someone help please? I want to be able to use Alfred Snippets when I'm using OSX and AHK when I'm in the Windows VM.




It's unlikely that snippets will work within a VirtualBox VM, so your best bet is to add VB to the list of ignore apps from the config cog in Alfred's snippets preferences.




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It's unlikely that snippets will work within a VirtualBox VM, so your best bet is to add VB to the list of ignore apps from the config cog in Alfred's snippets preferences.


You may have misunderstood my question. I understand I cannot expand Alfred's snippets within Windows VM. I have AHK in Windows VM and AHK snippets don't work in the VM while I have Alfred snippets are enabled in OSX (host).


I've already added VB to the list of ignore apps (see #5 above). Any other suggestions?

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