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Display folders / files one level deep

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I use [unclutter](http://unclutterapp.com) as a temporary file buffer. It keeps files in a folder like so : 




I want to make a workflow where if I was to call it, it will show me the contents of the folder in my search scope but only these files. Can I do that?


Making a search scope for this folder does not work as firstly it searches all files in the folder and when triggered, it doesn't display any files, you need to start writing your search query. I just want to invoke workflow and see what files are in the folder in a nice alfred prompt. 


Thank you for any help.

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Hey Dean,


I am still a bit confused as to how to make it work. I tried making something like this : 




Where the Applescript is : 




Perhaps it should be a script filter? But I have tested it with script filter too like so : 





And that doesn't show me anything. I want to invoke the workflow and instantly contents of the folders show, I don't have to press space or anything and then I can just scroll and choose the file I want.


Thank you a lot for your help.





Either open the directory directly from Finder using CMD+ALT+/ (I think that's the default).
Or to go directly to a folder, just tell Alfred to search that path via AppleScript, e.g.: 

tell application "Alfred 3" to search "/Path/To/Your/Folder/Here"
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