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where is customsites in alfred 3?

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This question explains my problem in detail, but to make a long story short, i want to add custom chrome search engines to alfred.


This script shows me how to do it, but refers to this path:


'Library/Application Support/Alfred/customsites/customsites.plist'


I don't see this path any more in alfred 3.. can someone tell me where it is? thanks!



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3 hours ago, abbood said:

I don't see this path any more in alfred 3.. can someone tell me where it is? thanks!


I haven't checked that script, but looking at the path, it looks like it's for Alfred 1 so won't work in Alfred 3. There may be an updated version for Alfred 3 somewhere though!


There are two ways to manually add custom sites in Alfred. You can add them through the UI in Alfred's Features > Web Searches > Search prefs where you simply select "Add Custom Search". Here is a guide to create custom searches:




Alternatively, you can create workflows which give much more control over the results. For a good example of this, see the "Google Suggest" or "Amazon Suggest" workflow examples from the + button in Alfred's workflow preferences.


Hope this helps :)




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