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Posts posted by Vero

  1. I just made my first hotkey in an Alfred Workflow to execute an AppleScript that toggles one setting on/off ("Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys") and for a while I was wondering why it doesn't seem to work, until I found this.


    So basically now every time I hit the hotkey, nothing changes, since the setting is immediately toggled back because the script is run twice.


    Hopefully the bugfix release for this is coming soon. :)



    As per the update topic title, it was updated in build 655 - If you'd like to update to that build and help us test the pre-release, go to the Update tab in Alfred, and choose "pre-releases" from the dropdown menu. You'll then be able to update to the latest build (currently 670) which includes this fix.


    If you're not keen on the more regular updates, you can revert to "updates" instead of "pre-releases" in the dropdown to return to just the general releases. :)



  2. I just spent £17 on Alfred2 Powerpack on 24 April this year (2016).

    And I don't want to upgrade to 3 right now.

    So where can I get Alfred 2? I can't find the download link on the official website.

    Help, plz



    Hi there,


    If you purchased your license on 2016, you're eligible for a free upgrade, so simply pop us an email to info@alfredapp com and I'll be happy to send you the details we issued all eligible users on the day of the Alfred 3 release :)


    If you still want Alfred 2, you can re-download it here:




  3. Hi Vero,


    I'm afraid it's still exhibiting the same problems on the new build (663).


    If you can wait until tomorrow, that'd be great. 2.30am here, and I've already turned into a pumpkin. :) Time for bed!



    Thanks again so much - I did wonder how you were still up at such a late hour in NZ!


    Here's where we're at now: On looking at LastPass's forum, it looks like this isn't the first time a text expansion app encounters this issue. I'm attempting to get in contact with LastPass to see if I can get their cooperation in dealing with this.


    Essentially, what's happening is that LastPass/Safari is enabling secure text entry on the Mac, and then not releasing it, which means that apps like Alfred Text Service no longer receive input. In this case, the suggested way to fix the issue is to quit Safari, as you've seen.


    This is obviously an issue, as here's an Apple Tech Note on how applications should use the secure text entry fairly, and some apps either don't, or have a bug:




  4. Hi Vero,

    So, to reproduce:



    Hi Tarique,


    First, thank you so much for your patience and your thorough help (and sense of humour about it all!) 


    While I'm still unable to reproduce the issue, Andrew and I have spent the past few hours investigating this further, and there's a new build out on the pre-release (build 663) which may help Alfred recognise your snippets being typed regardless of LastPass. Could you please update to the latest build and let me know whether it resolves the issue for you? 



  5. Just upgraded. Unfortunately, that one still has the problem. Weird one this. Not sure why I can make it happen all the time. I wonder if there's something else at play here too?



    I've been attempting to replicate the issue in Safari with LastPass but haven't been able to stop Alfred from expanding at this point.


    Could you please help me replicate exactly with a few more details?


    - How do you pop up the LastPass panel in Safari on the favourites page? I can only get the LastPass panel to pop up when I'm on a page for which it has a bookmark at this point.

    - What hotkey is set in LastPass?

    - What versions are you using (OS X, Safari and LastPass)?


    Anything else you can think of, other browser plugins, etc that could help me get to the bottom of this would be great. Thanks for your help :)



  6. My Snippets are not expanding in Native Instruments software (e.g. Maschine 2) - everywhere else it works. I can hear the expanding sound, the keyword disappears, but no Snippet appears.



    Looks like Maschine (and many other music apps) are Java-based.


    This is a known bug in Java, which caches the clipboard content until focus in OS X changes. You can find more details in the Java bug tracker here:

    If you place Alfred into focus compatibility mode in the Appearance > Options, you can still use your snippets within a Java app, but you'll need to use them from Alfred's Clipboard Viewer (and type to search for your snippet). Alfred's compatibility mode makes sure focus is taken away from the Java app when showing, which means Java updates the clipboard.
    Hope this helps :)
  7. Hi Vero,  Yes, in the mail.app emails.  When I type "emfrom" or "em" and then various contacts (or search terms) that I know are in the mail.app, Alfred pulls up the google search. Thanks for responding and for all your help.



    Do you get *any* results or none at all? E.g. if you type "em" and part of your own name, do you get results? 


    If you get no results, it may be that your emails are stored somewhere other than the default ~/Library/Mail/ folder so it'll take a little bit of detective work to identify where your emails are stored, then drop that folder into the File Filter's search scope instead of the default location.



  8. Hi Vero,


    I looked in the Help documentation but couldn't find out where this setting is: how do I make sure my theme is slightly transparent? I changed the opacity on the colors but it still seems solid.


    Thank you!



    Make sure that the furthest layer back (the window border) is either invisible at 0px or at least slightly transparent (by changing the opacity as you've been doing). Everything else is "stacked" on top of that window border layer.


    You can duplicate any of the default themes and edit those. The Frosty Teal one is an example of a semi-transparent and blurred theme.



  9. I just installed Alfred 3 and purchased the Remote app for iOS. I have my iPad and iPhone on the same Wi-Fi network as my iMac. When I clicked on the Remote button in Alfred it let me click Add iOS Remote, and loaded a bunch of buttons on the OS X app. But the iOS app just sits and looks and looks for the OS X side, and never connects. I've tried on both the iPad and the iPhone, and neither will connect. Both are on iOS 9.3.2. The iMac is running OS X 10.11.6 Beta - might that be a problem?


    Thank you,




    Hi Cyn,


    In the iOS app, do you see an icon for the Mac you want to connect to? If so, you need to tap it in order to select it and let Remote know it's the one you want to connect to (as there could have been multiple available Macs for you to choose from).


    If I've misunderstood, please let me know in a little more detail how far you get and I'll help you out further :)



  10. I have several snippet and have found that the usage is not consistent, the main problem I've been seeing is while I continue typing after inserting a snippet keyword only part of the snippet is fully replaced.  For example my keyword is ;cc to insert the word Comcast.  If I'm typing quickly I'll see the following happen ; Comcast where the expansion of the snippet is leaving the semi colon from the keyword behind.


    MBP 2.8 i7 16GB ram

    OSX 10.10.5

    Alfred 3 with Power Pack v3 [652]


    Let me know what else I can provide you, I'm not seeing any errors in the Console for Alfred.



    Could you provide more details regarding which apps it happens in? How often does it happen relative to instances where the snippet works as expected? Any additional info would be helpful :)

  11. MacOS X 10.11.5

    Alfred : 652

    Application : Oxygen 15.2 ( java based app )


    I activate the clipboard selector and choose one of the lines out of my clipboard history.



    With Java apps, you're likely to need to turn on Alfred's Compatibility focusing mode, which you'll find in the Appearance tab, under Options (bottom left).


    With regards to snippets being placed in the clipboard, this is by design as most users preferred a scenario where their clipboard wasn't being filled with snippets as they were pasted. Remember that you can browse/search your snippets either by using the Clipboard Viewer hotkey and choosing "All snippets" or by setting a hotkey for your snippets specifically :)



  12. The keyword is having any beginning and trailing spaces removed upon import. Since I am importing a large number of whole word matches, they have to have the leading and trailing spaces to match properly. You can see the import file here: https://db.tt/gcJPuiEv.



    If you update to the latest pre-release (build 656), Alfred now allows spaces at the beginning and end of a snippet keyword; We've ensured it's displayed with a ␣ for each space to make it clear when a keyword has a space in it. It also ensures that beginning/trailing spaces aren't stripped on importing.



  13. Hi all,

    I just found out about this workflow and want to try it. Any chance someone could update it for Alfred 3?






    Keep in mind that Alfred 3 allows you to set blur independently for each theme rather than on a global level, so you may want to take a look at that first.


    In a custom theme, click the blurry circle in the top left to change the blur level for the theme. Of course, make sure that your theme is at least slightly transparent for it to work. :)



  14. "File Filter" in workflow does NOT work for ".tex" file.


    You may benefit from expanding the content type used if you're having issues with this.


    Try performing an mdls on one of your .tex files (https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/mdls/) and take a look at the ContentTypeTree.


    Once you've had a look at this, if you'd like to use the ContentTypeTree rather than just the ContentType, add a + before the name (For example, by adding a + before public.jpeg, you extend the file type search to public.image, including more than just .jpg images.)


    Let me know how you get on :)



  15. Alfred 3 is out now, but it seems that there is still no direct preview like in spotlight.

    I really hope that this feature will come soon.



    Have you had a look at File Navigation? For example, type ~/Documents/ and you'll be able to preview your files in the right side panel.  Sounds like it's what you're looking for :)



    Also, can an action be taken on a file in Recent Documents? For instance, if I type Preview, and then select Recent Documents, can I take an Action on one of those items? Perhaps Mail it or Move it? If so, how to I activate the options for the actions? Normally I'd hit Tab or Fn to get the Actions for an item, but this doesn't work for Recent Documents. I can't even get previews to work on Recent Documents by pressing the Shift key. Am I missing something?



    This is very likely to make it into an upcoming update, as it would indeed be useful :)



    1. alfred will automatically parse the eml file and search in addition to the text, also attachments (e.g PDF files), or must I do something special to make it happen?
    2. whether I need to purchase the powerpack?



    Hi there,


    Welcome to Alfred :)


    With the Powerpack, you can create file filters to search what you like. I've got a Mail.app workflow to search email subject lines, senders and content, so you'd be able to either use that workflow as-is or modify it to suit your own needs.


    If you upgrade to the Powerpack, add your details to your forum profile and let me know, I'll be happy to share my workflow :)



  16. Hi ... when navigating into a folder in Alfred, is it possible to see its content sorted by e.g. "Data Modified"? Currently it is shown alphabetically.





    At this time, files within a folder are sorted alphabetically. We're aware there's interest for others way to sort, but in the meantime, your best bet is to filter your results down by typing part of the name of the file you're looking for :)



  17. Hi there,


    Is there a way to do a "Find" or "In" on a particular volume or folder only? For instance, if I were interested in searching my Dropbox folder only, for a file named (Find) or that contained the words (In) "Blue Sky". Can this be done?



    I would recommend taking a look at the File Filter workflows, in particular the Dynamic File Search example which is built into Alfred's Workflows.


    Click the [+] in the bottom left > Examples > Dynamic File Search, and you'll see how the workflow allows you to first choose a folder within which to search, then search for a file within the scope. You could even add an extra step where you define what type of file you want to search for. :)



  18. Is there any way to unsync Alfred? I actually need quick access to my dropbox history more than I want my Alfred preferences to be in sync. Is there a way to unsync? I can choose a new folder, which I could just select a folder that isn't in dropbox, but that seems a little clunky. Is there a way to do this? Or any chance we'll get a clean "unsync"?



    At this point, there's no way to unsync as such, but you can reset your sync folder to ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/ to return to the original folder :)

  19. I just upgraded to V3 with the Powerpack. I am hoping to be able to dump TextExpander if I can get some questions answered. 


    I usually time/date stamp my emails and with TextExpander I have the expanded text look like this:    Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 06:28 AM.     I have tried modifying the sample date expression in Alfred but I cannot get it to look the same. The expression I tried was : {date:%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p} and it is not working. 


    In TextExpander I can have the text formatted with bold or italic. Can Alfred format expanded text with things like bold & italic?



    Hi there,


    Alfred 3's dynamic placeholders follow these standards:



    You can play around with the formats available on that page but this should essentially match what you have in mind:

    {date:EEEE, MMM, dd, yyyy} at {date:HH:mm aaa}


    Currently, snippets are plain text, but we're keeping an eye on feature suggestions for future updates. :)



  20. I installed Alfred 3 (first time I've used Alfred) along with the powerpack over the weekend. Got to work yesterday and one of my core apps for my business (a proprietary app our corporate office developed that runs in java) was virtually useless. Couldn't figure out what happened, then thought maybe it's Alfred. I quit Alfred, it runs fine.


    I told the dev about it and he found something online about when Alfred runs in standard mode it can conflict with java apps, so the answer is to select compatibility mode. I can't find that setting in V3. Is that still an option? I hope so, otherwise I just wasted the purchase on the powerpack as I can't use Alfred in standard mode and do business otherwise.



    Hi there, launch Alfred to the Appearance preferences and click the "Options" button in the bottom left; You'll be able to select the Compatibility mode from the Focusing dropdown menu there :)



  21. I debated raising this as a feature request instead of a bug but I see Alfred as a drop in replacement for Spotlight as it mimics its behaviours. One behaviour it doesn't mimic is support for multiple monitors.


    When my mouse cursor is in screen 1 and I trigger Alfred to open it appears in screen 1. When my mouse cursor is in screen 2 and I trigger Alfred to open it opens in screen 1 still. I would expect Alfred to do what Spotlight does an appear on the screen the user's attention is set.


    I'm using build 652 of Alfred 3 on OS X 10.11.4.



    Hi Luke,


    Take a look under Appearance > Options (bottom left) and choose from the "Show Alfred On" dropdown. Looks like "Active Screen" is likely to be the option you're looking for. :)



  22. I'm trying to setup a workflow so that I can select a file in finder, invoke an hotkey which should bring in file to Alfred and give me an option to select the app I want to open the file in.



    There's no need for a workflow, you can pretty much already do this. 


    Select a file in Alfred and use the File Selection hotkey (Alt + Cmd + \ by default but you can change it in Features > File Search > Actions) to bring up the File Actions panel. Select Open With and pick or type the name of the app you want to open in :)



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