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Posts posted by Vero

  1. Andrew, has anything been added in v.3 to either default to "pass through modifier keys", or to change a whole bunch of workflows to this in one swoop (not individually configure each one, one at a time)?



    Hi Jim,


    It's not possible to modify workflows globally, but the option has been made more obvious with the new teal icon on the right of hotkey fields:



    It may not be wise to blanket-change all workflows, as some hotkey combos would cause unwanted behaviour (e.g. using a hotkey combo containing Alt to launch an app which gives you the ability to choose alternative libraries like Photos, iTunes, etc, could result in seeing the "libraries" pop-up instead of simply launching the app), so it's best reviewed on a case-by-case basis if needed as hotkeys are still extremely quick even in default mode.



  2. Hi Vero,


    I am now a powerpack user (email entered in profile) and have install the mail.app. 


    Hi there,


    Here's the latest version of the workflow:



    This workflow provides an easy way to search for emails stored in Mail.app.

    * Use "em" to generally search for emails by subject line and email content
    * Use "emfrom" to search by email author only
    * Use "emsubj" to search by subject line only
    Take a look at how the workflow was created, and add or modify the file filters to your own needs :)
  3. Just like what you said, I also believe a more contrasty color scheme will do. But it's funny I cannot imagine how that looks like as a color dumber, that's why I proposed a sort-of-overdesigned approach.

    I used to refer to this site (http://paletton.com/) to find a palette comfortable to me. Haven't upgraded to Alfred 3, but in Alfred 2 the preference panel can't be changed by theme.



    Thanks for this thread; Interesting topic and something we'll take in consideration for a future update.


    In the meantime, if you create Alfred themes that are colourblind-friendly, please do let me know as I'd love to share these with other users :)



  4. On 6/26/2016 at 9:20 PM, evanfuchs said:

    Oh, sorry if that example was unclear. I'm not looking for natural language, just based on title (e.g. "Dentist Appointment") A search for that phrase would list all events with matching titles and their date.


    I use BusyCal, but it's using the same iCloud calendars as the Calendar.app.


    thanks for the help!



    Here's the Calendar search I use for Apple's own Calendar:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/aa2y8morc97k5r3/Calendar search.alfredworkflow?dl=0


    Type "cal" followed by the name of your calendar entry to see the results in Alfred, e.g. "cal dentist"


    As I'm not familiar with BusyCal, you may need to tweak the workflow, but if it just uses the Calendar app's data without modifying it, it should just work out of the box :)





  5. Hello, 


    I am testing alfred3's objects and the transform's trimming white space action doesn't work. 

    Other actions are fine.


    How can I solve it? or is it the only issue to me? 





    Keep in mind that trim whitespace trims at the beginning and end of your query, it doesn't remove spaces within the query if that's what you have in mind.


    In other words...

    "    hello there     " will be trimmed to "hello there", not to "hellothere" :)



  6. Just started using the snippets feature and loving it! For my use it completely replaces TextExpander.



    Have you taken a look at the Snippets Viewer? You can either access it through the Clipboard History Viewer (press your Clipboard History hotkey, then choose "All Snippets") or by setting a hotkey in Features > Snippets specifically for the Snippets viewer.


    You'll then be able to type part of your snippet, see your list on the left, then select your snippet on the right. At the bottom of the preview, you'll see the shortcut keyword to help you learn it :)





    More info on the snippets feature here:




  7. I have an app called CheatSheet which requires me to hold the command key for a while and the window pops up. When i am using snippet auto expansion feature and expanding my snippets the cheatsheet window automatically pops up without me pressing the command key. 


    Any help is appreciated. 



    A couple of users have reported issues with CheatSheet in the past, and looking back at the discussion, it appears that CheatSheet misinterprets Alfred's pasting of your snippet as holding the Cmd key even though it's only triggered for a fraction of a second.

    This isn't something we have control over, but one user set his CheatSheet options to require holding down Cmd for longer to avoid mis-triggering. The CheatSheet app may also offer a way to ignore certain apps, allowing you to ignore Alfred Text Service.
    Might be worth popping the app creator an email to find out more. 
  8. I want to set a System Command (Shut Down) with a popup, which asks me: DO You Really Want To Shut Down Your Computer  - YES / NO ?



    Hi Omar,


    If you're referring to Alfred's built-in System Commands, each one has a "confirm" checkbox next to it, so just check the box to get the Confirm pop-up :)



  9. Places where Alfred says OS X when instead it should (now) say macOS. Every addition will be made as a new comment (so followers of the topic are notified) and a modification to this top post. This also applies to comments made by other people. This top post should always contain all places where OS X still appears.



    Hi Vitor,


    We're fully aware of this and we'll be making the changes in the future; At this point, even Apple only refers to macOS on the beta page, and continues to use OS X everywhere else, so we'll be doing the same.


    When the time comes, we'll do a global find and replace, which will probably catch even more references to it, but feel free to keep adding to help us identify all the spots where we'll need to change it. :)


    I'm moving this to Noted for future reference.



  10. I think the issue detailed in this post has re-emerged with the recent release of Airmail 3. Whenever I attempt to send a file as an attachment via Alfred, the resulting email opens in Mail.app as opposed to Airmail (my default email client, as confirmed numerous times in Mail.app's preference pane). 



    Using the same suggestion as in the thread you're referring to, could you check what Airmail 3 is named as? If it's not exclusively called "Airmail", try renaming it, which seems to have resolved the issue for those who were using "Airmail Beta" in that thread.


    Having said that, it's likely we'll add support for Airmail 3 once it's confirmed that it has the same AppleScript support as previous versions of it :)

  11. IMHO documentation for snippets should be easier to find...



    Alfred is created and maintained by only Andrew and I; It's been an exciting time since Alfred 3 was released, but relentless with no days off. Our plan is to carry on improving documentation, create more tutorials and guides, etc but we're currently mainly dealing with the huge influx of users who are new to Alfred or upgrading from Alfred 2 and have questions.


    In the meantime, please do take a look at the documentation linked by Frozen_X :)


    Let me know if there's anything in particular you think is missing, as I'm always looking to make our documentation better and more helpful!



  12. My first question might be a stupid one but I spent a long time trying to figure out how to delete the web searches in Alfred's preferences. A lot of these searches I don't really use. It's kind of OCD-ish but I need to delete them and only create the ones I want, if possible. 



    A little correction to deanishe's response; The custom searches (which have a cog in the "custom search" column) can be deleted. The default web searches can't be deleted but unchecking them is sufficient to remove them from your search results.


    The padlock deanishe was referring to simply highlights which web searches are available as https:// :)


    You can create your own custom searches and check the boxes next to them. You could even use the same keyword as the web search you've disabled for easy memorable access to them.



  13. Thanks, @Vero. I didn't catch the comma in the hotkey combination (seen in another post).


    Really miss the gear, but...guess I'll need to memorize (yet another) hot key combo, since my menu bar is already too crowded. 



    You can just pop up Alfred and type "preferences" so there's no hotkey combo to remember. Having said that Cmd + comma is a global OS X one useful in every application, so worth remembering :)



  14. In Alfred 2, a small gear appeared in the top right corner of the pop up window that would open Alfred Preferences.


    The gear is gone in Alfred 3. I’ve never heard of (or used) Command + to open an app's preferences, but following those directions on another post here, I tried it. Failed again.


    How do I access Alfred Preferences in version 3?



    There are a few different ways to access preferences:


    1. In Alfred's search box
    Type "preferences" into Alfred's search box to launch the preferences.
    2. From the OS X menu bar
    Click on the bowler hat icon in the OS X menu bar in the top right and select "Preferences..."
    3. Using the Preferences shortcut
    Show Alfred's search box and use Cmd + , (comma) which is the universal OS X hotkey for an app's preferences.
    4. Use Alfred Remote
    In Alfred Remote, add Alfred Preferences from the + as a button to launch it with a touch.
    Whether you prefer to click, type, use a hotkey or touch the screen, there are ways to access Alfred Preferences for everyone! :)
  15. I have been having problems with snippets not wanting to automatically expand then I use my keyword. I just updated to the latest version with Powerpack. The problem usually starts when I am trying to fill in an online form with my email or a date, etc. Once it stops working snippets will not expand in any app such as TextEdit or NeoOffice. The only way I can get them to work is to restart my iMac. 


    Anybody else having this issue?



    What do you use to fill the online form?


    We have a pending known issue caused by LastPass's use of Chromium. In short, when LastPass enables secure text input, it stops any other apps from recognising keypresses (so that passwords can be entered securely) which is great. The problem comes in that it then doesn't give up the secure input, which means that Alfred can never re-start recognising keypresses after you're done with secure fields.


    You can follow the thread on this issue here, which we'll update as soon as we hear of a fix:



    If you're using something else, please provide as much detail as possible so that we can help you further :)



  16. Part of what we believe sets Alfred apart from many other apps out there is that we're very mindful about which new features are added, and how they're implemented. This helps us avoid feature-bloat and ensures new features are useful to as many users as possible. Whether an iOS counterpart is created or not is something we'll carefully consider, and establish where resources are best used to keep making Alfred the best, sleekest productivity tool you could wish for.


    As you know very well, Alfred is so much more than a text expansion tool; the snippets auto-expansion is a featured we had planned as an evolution of the existing clipboard and snippets feature, with a holistic view of how Alfred helps users get their work done. It's not necessarily intended as a replacement for the handful of users who require the most advanced features provided by dedicated, single-purpose tools.


    We have amazing plans for Alfred 3 and for snippets, and we're listening to feature suggestions along the way, so you can be confident that we'll take Alfred in the right direction as we've done for the past 6 years :)




  17. OK so I did the final deduction and disabled all workflows.

    Then created a new simple workflow bij first defining a hotkey then an file-action opening an Excel file and finally connected the two to each other.



    This is such a simple workflow, there's no way for it to do anything in itself other than launch the file you set to open.


    - Do you have any key modifiers or third-party apps on your Mac that modify keyboard behaviour when alt is pressed?

    - Do you have an odd key combination set to change your keyboard language (under System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources)?

    - Are there any apps under System Prefs > Security & Privacy > Accessibility  that you don't expect to see there that would have control over your keyboard?


    This isn't something we've encountered with anyone before, so it's difficult to provide any further suggestions. 


    I would imagine that if you create a new user account on your Mac temporarily, you most likely won't encounter that same issue so it'll be something installed on your particular user profile.



  18. OK did that.

    What is strange this behavior didn’t occur when working in Alfred 2 versions en Alfred 3.0 version…?!

    This seems to be the troublemaker:



    Ok, so you're one step further forward now that you've been able to narrow it down to that workflow.


    At this stage, you'll need to take a look at the following:

    - Which hotkey within your workflow is the problem one?

    - If you change the hotkey, does the issue stop? (The hotkey may be launching else on your Mac as you've selected some fairly basic/common hotkeys)


    - What does this hotkey launch in Alfred? Could the app/file it's trying to launch be the issue?


    It may take a little bit of deduction on your part, but this should help you on your way.



  19. Hi Vero,

    Thank you for helping me!

    No, using a workflow will cause a global keyboard problem. It looks like the command key, the option key or the shift key is/are stuck. I can’t type any tekst because one of those function-keys seems to be pressed. FE pressing a “p” causes the command-p (print) option. This will happen in Word or Safari or…but only after using a Alfred workflow. There is the no other way to stop this strange behavior then a full reboot.

    You can download the logs you asked for here and here:)


    Greetz Rob.



    Hi Rob,


    It sounds like there's one particular workflow that may be at the root of that issue; It may be that the workflow is getting stuck on a particular call.


    Start by launching Alfred's preferences to the Workflows tab and right-click a workflow in the sidebar to allow you to disable them. You should be able to identify which workflow is responsible for the issue.



  20. After upgrading from 3.0 to 3.01 I can startup workflows but immediate the keyboard becomes totally unusable. It seems like the command or option or another function-key is stuck.  



    During that time, does the keyboard work in other apps and just not in Alfred or does it stop working globally on your Mac?


    Alfred doesn't do anything at a low enough level to be able to crash your Mac, so if the keyboard becomes unusable, could you please launch Activity Monitor, choose Alfred 3 and click "Sample Process". Email us the results so that we can take a better look at what Alfred is up to during that time.



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