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Everything posted by Stephen_C

  1. I guess that depends on how and where you save your screenshots that you wish to recall. For example: Are they always saved into the same folder? Are they always saved as PNGs? Do they have some sort of standard filename? More constructively, it would be easy to build a workflow that displays all PNG files in a specific screenshots folder—allowing you to select one and paste it into the frontmost app. Stephen
  2. Welcome to the forum. Have you seen Alfred 5.5's TextView and, by way of example, the manner in which it's used in the ChatGPT/DALL-E workflow? Stephen
  3. Welcome to the forum. What: version of macOS are you using; version of Alfred are you using; Alfred theme are you using? Stephen
  4. I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted but there are some really easy, useful things you can do with Automation Tasks in a workflow. I'll give you an example. I have frequently to battle with a reasonably deeply nested menu in Day One in which I can turn off, or on again, smart quotation marks. (Tip: don't have a workflow called Save 'ur… something!). Finally, this morning, realisation slowly dawned. Keyword: dss, linked to: Now why didn't I think of that before? If you suffer from deeply nested, often used, menu items…well, there's a possible solution! Stephen
  5. While that may have resolved the problem for you I'm not sure why—because I, too, use iStat Menus and can show or hide the Alfred menu bar icon depending on my choice in Alfred Preferences. However, I do use the Bartender menu bar app so maybe it's a mattter, for you, of the quantity of menu bar items rather than any inherent conflict. Just an idea… Stephen
  6. Following the difficulties covered in the preceding posts I've released version 1.41 of the workflow. There is no change to the workflow itself but I've added to the ReadMe the following note: Stephen
  7. Just for complete clarification…did you: (My emphasis.) Stephen
  8. But did you follow all of the steps outlined on the Alfred help page linked earlier in the thread? If not, please do that—following each suggested step carefully (even though you may have done some already). If you still have problems run one of the files which Alfred cannot find through Alfred's inbuilt troubleshooter (as indicated on the help page) and post the results here. As you've mentioned Dropbox it will be worth checking you've ensured Dropbox files are made available offline. Stephen
  9. I'd just re-download and install over the existing: all your settings should be retained. Stephen
  10. This has been discussed a number of times but see here, for example, for a comment as to why this is not practical. Stephen
  11. Welcome to the forum. I appreciate you may have done this already but just in case you have not have you run through any suggestions that might be relevant on the following Alfred help page: Snippets and Text Expansion Troubleshooting? Stephen
  12. Welcome to the forum. Did you migrate your apss and preferences using the Migration Assistant.app? If so, have you tried simply re-installing Alfred? (The Migration Assistant is known for sometimes producing rather strange results after it has been used, which is why I asked.) Stephen
  13. I'm so pleased—and relieved—to know that you managed to sort the problem. Sorry that it took so long for me to think of the solution. Stephen
  14. Welcome to the forum. Have you tried going to Alfred Preferences → Features → Clipboard History, clicking on the Advanced tab and adding Proton Pass to the list of ignored apps? (I'm assuming there is an app as well as a mere browser extension. If so it may be worth trying that.) Stephen
  15. Alfred does not use AI unless and until you download and install a workflow designed to use AI (for example, the chatGPT workflow). When I refer to "AI” I mean the external companies to which you refer,. Of course, Alfred has his own intelligence. 😀 Stephen
  16. @dit7c1 I'm running more or less the same system as you and CleanShot X does not show in the System Settings Automation list so you don't need to worry about that. At this stage the only thing I can suggest is to try deleting and re-installing CleanShot X. However, don't do that unless you have a record of your licence key because you'll need that when re-installing. If you are able to do that run the workflow and you should see CleanShot X asking if you wish to allow Alfred to action it (I don't recall the exact message but there definitely should be some request from the system). Aside from that I'm afraid I've rather run out of ideas: sorry. Stephen
  17. OK - thanks for that test. For the moment I have no idea what causes your problem (sorry!)…but don't give up, we shall sort it somehow! What I find strange is that this is a very popular and frequently downloaded workflow and nobody has reported a similar problem so there must be something odd about your particular setup. From your debug report the script appears to be doing exactly what it should be doing. When you first ran the workflow did you receive a system prompt asking you to confirm that Alfred should be allowed to action CleanShot X? If do, did you confirm at that stage? (However, i don't think that is problem because you have said some CleanShot X actions work but others do not—and I can’t think of any logical reason for that.) Stephen
  18. @dit7c1 what happens when you simply use CleanShot X (i.e., without running it through the Alfred workflow)? Do you get access to all the utilities and do they work? Stephen
  19. Apologies for the delay responding: I'm out of the/my country until the end of the week. Please follow the exact instructions in the post preceding this one and someone will tell you why it's not working for you. Stephen
  20. Type "Feedback” in Alfred and run the Feedback Assistant.app. Stephen
  21. If you're using that you may find this post helpful (although I appreciate you may already have achieved what you need). Stephen
  22. If I've understood the request correctly, just choose the one you want a couple of times and it will rise to the top of the list. In other words, Alfred recognises the most frequently used utilities. Edit: See Understanding Result Ordering for an explanation. Stephen
  23. Thanks so much for the kind comment: it's much appreciated. Stephen
  24. I have two thoughts: There are different flavours of markdown and not all (by any means) support that code to place images side by side (and I don't know what flavour of markdown Alfred uses). The size of your images may be too large to permit displaying them side by side. Obviously you can test by using suitable small images—and, of course, you can try enlarging the Text View window by using ⌘0 (that's cmd + zero). Stephen
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