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Posts posted by politicus

  1. @RodgerWW @David Thanks for the tips. 


    My main point is "it is a pain having to remember these files paths (ie etc/path or etc/passwd, ...)"


    So being able to open them by typing their name and hitting enter, just like I would do with a .pdf file or an .xsls file, would be awesome.

  2. Hi, 



    I just want to be able to type ".bash_history" in Alfred, hit enter to open the file. 


    How can I do this ? 


    I tired typing my mac Home name + hit enter. It's working but I am not really satisfied with this solution. 

    I created a workflow with a file filter but it does not work.


    Broadly speaking, I think it would be useful to be able to add some hidden files (paths, hosts, .bashrc, .zshrc, ...) to 

    Alfred search scope. So time saving.


  3. Very good workflow. Thank you.


    I used to be using the script of Zibity. It's an applescript extension for Alfred (V1).


    I couldn't shorten youtube links linking to a specific part of a specific video.


    Feedback :

    You could make it better by automatically copying the expanded url to the clipboard and/or allowing the user to open the expanded url in his/her OS default browser.

  4. Hi, 


    Very interesting workflow.

    My problem is I do not see any items filtered.


    I type this workflow keyword, "Recent Downloads" is selected 

    then I type "enter". Then ... I can't do anything.


    After typing "enter", I tried to insert the name of the latest download, it didn't work.

    I even tried to type "enter", holding ctrl or cmd or option but my latest download

    was still there...


    I have nokogiri installed "require 'nokogiri' => True".



    I am pretty sure I didn't understand how to make it work properly. 

    Could you elaborate for the newbie that I am ?  :)


    Thank you.

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