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  1. Hi all, I'm looking for some help on if there's a way to set it up in Alfred where if I select a file I can just do a keyboard shortcut that does the "Open With..." menu so I could choose something such as Photoshop, etc. on that file or group of files. Or would this have to be something through BTT (BetterTouchTool)? For example, I have a .jpg file that I have open in Photoshop by default through MacOS, but I'd like to be able to select a .png AND .jpg or just some file that I can then press the shortcut like I do CMD+O that does the Open With function. Thanks!
  2. Sorry to revive a dead topic, but is there a way that when I'm searching for something within Alfred (my shortcut is just CMD+Space to replace Spotlight) that I can hold a modifier key, like how CMD does "reveal in Finder" to have the open with... pop up? My example would be: I have .png files that I normally want to open in Preview, but every-now-and-then open in Adobe Illustrator. Thanks for the help! This thread was helpful already!!
  3. Hm, how could I start setting this up? I've only ever set up a very basic workflow before.
  4. Hi there! I wanted to ask if there is a way, with a button shortcut to have a file open in Photoshop? For example, I have jpegs automatically open in Photoshop by default through my Mac SysPrefs... but I still have pngs open in Preview. Is there a way to have a button to have it "open in... application" or just "open in Photoshop" as an option, like how we can press Shift or CMD to preview or open the file location? Thanks!
  5. All of it is updated except for the Evernote workflow... where can I download the latest of this? I'm on v8.0 It says "Use Evernote with Alfred (8.0). I'm guessing that is the issue?
  6. @Vero Could I get a little support on here now that I've replied to this rather than making a new thread? Here's a video of what it's (not) doing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/acohktc73eoifj5/evernote workflow alfred.mov?dl=0 I go to type in any commend like "ENS" to search or "ENN" to make a new note... and the second I type anything after "EN" it disappears.
  7. Hi there... I'm following this tutorial for the Evernote Workflow but it's not working after installing it... can anyone else? https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/productivity/evernote-with-alfred-workflows/ Here's a video of what it's (not) doing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/acohktc73eoifj5/evernote workflow alfred.mov?dl=0 i go to type in any commend like "ENS" to search or "ENN" to make a new note... and the second I type anything after "EN" it disappears.
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