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Posts posted by Tsunami

  1. In case it wasn't obvious, I don't want my workflow to continue if nothing is selected. So maybe you could just terminate the workflow if the hotkey argument is set to "Selection in macOS", but nothing is actually selected when the hotkey is triggered. At that point you hear a beep indicating the OS failed to copy anything, but Alfred still passes an empty string to the rest of the workflow. This happens in any app and seems undesirable to me.

  2. I use iTerm instead of Terminal, so I'm not sure if this code catches all conditions, but you can do this:

    1. Open Alfred Preferences, click the Features tab and click Terminal / Shell in the sidebar.
    2. Set Application to Custom and paste this script in the large textfield:
    on alfred_script(q)
        tell application "Terminal"
            if exists window 1 then
                do script q in window 1
                do script q
            end if
        end tell
    end alfred_script

    Close Alfred Preferences to save the changes.


    Note that when you run a Terminal command manually with Alfred (by prefixing it with ">"), it will now also run in the existing window.

  3. Here is the output:

    [2018-07-02 11:58:58][utility.debug] '/Users/Tsunami/dev/alfred-workflows', {}
    [2018-07-02 11:59:01][utility.debug] '/Users/Tsunami/dev/alfred-workflows', {}

    So both hotkeys do pass through the full path in {query}. I also tried putting the Debug utility after each Filter, but again the first hotkey did not go past the Filter, so there was no debug output for the first hotkey.

  4. v3.6.2 [918] - macOS 10.13.5


    See https://puu.sh/AKt52/4819d0a6d0.alfredworkflow. When the top Hotkey is used while a folder is selected in Finder, only the folder name is copied to the clipboard. The workflow doesn't seem to expand the full path and continue past the Filter. However, as you can see with the bottom Hotkey, it does work when you add an Args and Vars before the Filter.

  5. When you check “Show latest query if within 5 minutes” and open Alfred, the search field will be prefilled with the last query that you used, if that query was used in the last 5 minutes.


    I don’t know how Alfred decides when to store a query. I do notice that sometimes a query isn’t stored, but I can’t say they are very different from what I typed.

  6. Have you tried setting Title to "product3" and Arg to the URL? (Subtitle is optional.) When I do that and type "wcp product3" in Alfred, the result shows up.


    Note that if you drop a CSV file onto the list, it will not update the existing items, it will just add the items as duplicates. So you need to delete all the existing items first.


    Have you considered using a Script Filter which reads the items from an external file, be it CSV, JSON, or whatever? That way your team doesn't have to muck about with Alfred's UI or your script to update the items. This file could even be retrieved from a webserver, so that any changes are immediately visible to your entire team.

  7. v3.6 [903] - macOS 10.13.3

    1. Open Alfred Preferences > Features > Clipboard and make sure 'Show "All Snippets" at top of Clipboard History' is unchecked.
    2. Open the Clipboard Viewer.
    3. Keep pressing Fn+Delete until all items are removed from the history.
    4. The text "No matching items or snippets" appears.

    There seems to be an invisible separator down the middle of the Clipboard Viewer, which covers this text in the middle:




    Closing and reopening the Clipboard Viewer makes the separator disappear.

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