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Posts posted by petebocken

  1. Last piece is figuring out how to have it download the full quality (1080p or 4K).  This works just fine when you run youtube-dl from the command line.  It downloads the 4K video (if available) and the audio file and then ffmpeg muxes them together into one file.


    When you just use /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -q -o "$uhome/Desktop/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "$url"; echo "Completed"; it downloads a single file with audio and video together but it seems to always choose 720p.


    If I use /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl -f bestvideo+bestaudio -q -o "$uhome/Desktop/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "$url"; echo "Completed";

    It will download the 4K video and audio as separate files but never muxes them together.


    I also tried adding -f bestvideo+bestaudio --merge-output-format MP4

  2. 3 hours ago, deanishe said:


    Bingo! Unfortunately, Alfred (and all other Mac apps) don't use your shell environment, which includes PATH. They don't look in /usr/local/bin.


    If you fix the path to point to your Homebrew verison of youtube-dl, the workflow should just keep on working.


    If it doesn't, I can post an AppleScript that does.



    Ya, not sure what to put in the path to find my local install of youtube-dl:

    ./youtube-dl -q -o "$uhome/Desktop/%(title)s.%(ext)s" "$url"; echo "Completed";

  3. 12 minutes ago, deanishe said:


    The one installed on your system or the one included in the workflow?


    The one installed on my system.  I just now realized that the workflow has it's own version installed with it.  I tried replacing the youtube-dl file in the workflow and that doesn't make a difference.  I also tried editing the workflow script to point to mine at /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl and still no go.  Although not sure I know the correct way to have it look outside of the workflow at the file system for that file besides just putting the full path to it.

  4. I'm having the same issue that @justcharlie was having with http://cloud.dferg.us/q4Gt


    I've updated to the latest youtube-dl and also Python 2.7.13.  Just pops up the OS X notification saying it's done but no file.  youtube-dl works fine when run manually.


    On 10/11/2014 at 0:18 AM, justcharlie said:

    Does this still work? I can't get it to work with the latest version of Alfred. It says download complete suspiciously fast and the file doesn't appear.


  5. Holding down control to "Open and Archive link" works great, but holding down option to "Archive link" removes it from alfred and displays a notification that it's archived, but does not archive the link in Pocket if I visit the website or my iOS app.

  6. Really? Never used Google Docs even?  I'm guessing what you are talking about wouldn't work since the files in Google Drive are private to the user.  The links are like this "https://docs.google.com/a/domainname.com/file/d/0B2xt_lPQnhscejBiS0k5aEJhNUU"


    You would first need to authenticate to Google via oAuth to then be able to search a user's Google Drive account: https://developers.google.com/drive/training/drive-apps/auth/


    Alfred already has a Web Search > drive (Search Google Drive for '{query}' but this just passes your text to the website and requires an extra click to actually open the file in the website.


    Looks like Google Docs indexing was on the table back in 2010: https://twitter.com/alfredapp/status/19810542596


    I'm guessing the easiest way to accomplish this is to use the official Google Drive Mac app and index it's synced folder since it essentially saves files as bookmarks that when launched, open the file in the web browser.  I may end up doing this or just continue to use Found.

  7. Yes, Alfred can see the Insync folder just fine.  However, I want to be able to launch the Google Drive files in the web browser at drive.google.com, not the OS X file which opens in the native app like Word, Excel, etc.



    If Insync already syncs the files to your Mac, then Alfred should be able to search those documents, depending on where the files are at. Can Spotlight find the files?

  8. I currently use Found ( https://www.foundapp.com/ ) to search and easily open Google Drive documents in the browser.


    I would like to use Alfred instead to open Google Drive documents in the browser.


    I know I can install the official Google Drive Mac app and have it search that folder and launch the file which then opens the file in the web browser.  However, I do not want to sync all other files in my Google Drive (like PDFs, images, etc) to my Mac since I already use Insync to do that.  I can search for my Google Drive files inside my Insync folder, but that will just launch the Mac app instead of opening the file in the web browser.


    I'm looking for a live search of Google Drive directly in Alfred and selecting the file in the list opens it in the web browser view.


  9. Seems like either the author needs to explicitly place the version number of their workflow in the title/description or read me.  I can see a change-log in the readme would make sense.  Or better yet have something built into Alfred that allows you to set a version when you are creating your workflow and this would be displayed to the user in it's own area.

  10. Same things happens to me.  Skype is open.  I received a warning from skype that a program wanted access - I clicked allow always, I did not receive a notification that it updated the contacts.



    A nice companion to the Adium workflow!


    However, after doing the 'skype update to cache contacts', I still can't start a conversation or call:


    For 's' command, it just says 'Searching Friends' ... this is a good 10 minutes since I supposedly updated the cache:



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