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  1. Does this still work? Not working for me in macOS Monterey, unfortunately. I installed Python 2 through Homebrew already but no dice.
  2. Just discovered this thread, so glad that this information is here. I was wondering what happened when most of my workflows suddenly stopped working. Alfred seems to be getting a lot less practical for day to day use without having to be routinely fixing things that break.
  3. This is working great for me on an M1. The only issue is that the time does not appear to be writing correctly to the calendar, but the day does. There is nothing in the time field when written to Calendar. I am using an M1 MBA if that helps. Thanks for contributing this!
  4. I'm on an M1 MBA with Big Sur 11.1 and recently Alfred has just stopped responding quite a bit, a few times a day. It's not a big deal, I open activity monitor and close it and then reopen and it works again. But I personally haven't experienced crashes like this with Alfred in the 5+ years of using it daily. Figured I'd post here, first time in the Bug Reports section of the forum.
  5. Yes, go ahead and delete after you have migrated your settings and have a backup, just in case.
  6. Great! How do you configure this to default to offline mode? It's a little slow searching the online repository for me.
  7. I would love to have this Evernote Search workflow working but it doesn't seem to be working with Alfred 3 (it's an Alfred 2 workflow): http://www.packal.org/workflow/evernote-search Is there any way to update this or modify it to get it working? Thanks in advance!
  8. I get a "Resource does not exist" error when trying to download this.
  9. I'd really love a Workflow that allows me to view, add, or delete things from my task list on Clear (which is an iOS and Mac app). I have searched for a workflow that does this but haven't found anything, which is a little surprising since I believe that Clear is pretty widely used. Here's a link to the Clear website which explains the app: Simplify your life with Clear Does anyone know if a workflow for this exists, or if not, how to create one?
  10. Does this still work? I can't get it to work with the latest version of Alfred. It says download complete suspiciously fast and the file doesn't appear.
  11. This looks great but when I add it to Alfred it doesn't let me use the hotkeys, I assume because they're already associated with iTunes. How can I get this to work?
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