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Everything posted by Ahti333

  1. Oh, I forgot, these are my system specs in case you need them for reproducing this or sth:
  2. While investigating input delay after upgrading to High Sierra (setting blur below 50% fixed it, as mentioned here fixed it for now), I found this weird behaviour: When setting the blur to about here: my Alfred window suddenly had a gradient background: While this is a bit much, I'd love to be able to have a gradient background in my theme, which could look amazing I think.
  3. Sorry to say this, but purging inactive memory is a horribly stupid idea once you know what inactive memory really is. I know it sounds useless from the name of it, but read this stack overflow answer, then you'll know why ;P
  4. When I open up Alfred, open Fantastical from within Alfred and then hit Escape to dismiss Fantastical, the focus is not restored to the previously used window. I've already pointed this out to Flexibits support, but they think this is more likely an Alfred thing than a Fantastical thing. I could imagine the problem could be solved by Alfred closing it's window (thereby restoring focus to the previous window) _before_ launching the selected application.
  5. what the title says, in general i'd like as much info as possible to be displayed
  6. It would be cool if the contact picture was shown in the results list when searching for contacts
  7. Yes, typing one or two characters is one or two keystrokes more than just hitting enter. This is about efficiency
  8. I've uploaded an updated version, see original post for more info.
  9. I am about to post an updated version that makes setting the language much easier, just wait a few minutes Yes, I have. The answer was that they got this request many times already, and will look into it for a future release.
  10. use 'uk' (also, changing this will become a little bit easier and persistent across updates in some hours or so)
  11. Right now, workflow feedback can only point to icons that are accessible via the local file system. It would be very nice if workflows could put icons from HTTP URLs into feedback without downloading them (synchronously) themselves. So, for example, a workflow that searches for movies via some API could pass cover URLs that the API returns with the search results as feedback icons and display those. The advantage of Alfred downloading the icons instead of the workflow is that: 1) Alfred can download the icons asynchronously, so the user can action an item even before the icon is loaded. The UI keeps responsive, which is very important 2) Alfred knows more about what icons are currently visible, and which are not, so Alfred could only load the visible icons to save bandwidth, and load others as the user scrolls
  12. Okay I guess it does make sense to have the function that tab currently delivers. I would love to have the option to make Enter always do the same though. So even when choosing a folder to copy/move a file to, I'd like Enter to descend into a subfolder, and use only the right arrow to choose the folder. I believe consistency is a very important thing to get users to accept shortcuts, and "Enter descends into subfolders except when I am choosing a copy/move target folder" is not very consistent so please please add an option for this?
  13. The iTunes API does return some icon URLs, but atm Alfred only accepts icons that are on the local drive. I could download those icons into some kind of cache folder, but that would take time, especially on slow connections, and since users probably won't see the same app very often, i don't think that's worth it. As soon as Alfred supports http urls for icons, i will of course add this
  14. I've put the source up on github https://github.com/Ahti/alfred-appstore-search
  15. I've updated the workflow quite a bit, see initial post for more.
  16. I've built a little workflow that opens the Mac App Store and searches for the query. --- Update --- Another update, you can now change the search language by using the "interactive preferences". By default, the US store is searched. Change this by entering 'apps-pref lang <new language>' into Alfred. Get the new version here: http://cl.ly/2q3K1L1L3m1h Github repository: https://github.com/Ahti/alfred-appstore-search
  17. no, that is not what i want. a script filter runs a script. that script outputs xml data describing the feedback items. my problem is that the output of this script is read (and the according items are displayed) only once, when the script has finished running. take a look at the example script i posted in the first post in this topic. what it does is it outputs the xml for one feedback item, then waits five seconds, and then outputs xml for another two feedback items. the behaviour i would like to have is that alfred immediately, as the script is started, displays the first item, and then when after five seconds the other two items get printed and the script exits, displays those too. the other thing that is linked with this is that alfred only interprets the forst <items> group a script prints, while i think it would be better to only show the feedback items from the last group the script printed.
  18. maybe, but that is all talk about specific searches/workflows. in general, as workflow developer, i want to be able to output and change feedback items multiple times during one run of a script.
  19. in case of google that may be true, but there are other cases (amazon) where this does not apply, and i't like to have only one keyword for both applications, and either way it would be very nice if alfred supported this as i am sure there are many other applications for changing the output results multiple times during a potentially long script run
  20. I know, but i still can't change the fixed order that is used when it does not sort by last used.
  21. It would be nice to be able to reorder the default file actions Alfred displays. I like to have them in a fixed order, so sorting by last used is not so cool, but i would like to get copy and move further up without disabling the actions above.
  22. The only thing keeping me from using the Alfred File Browser all the time is this: When I select a folder using the arrow keys and press tab, the browser does not jump into that folder. I know I can press enter to enter the folder (heh), but I dislike that for the following reason: When I copy/move a file to another location, pressing enter on a folder copies the file to that folder, and does not descend into the folder, so using enter is no thing i want to get used to, because it might do something different in a only slightly different context. ATM, tab-complete only works when the completion is unambiguous and does not respect items the user selected with the arrow keys at all. An alternative to using tab would be to make enter work the same way everywhere, so to select a folder to copy a file to, only right arrow would be allowed, but i don't think that's necessary.
  23. One second is still quite a bit. What bothers me specifically is that i can not just put in a search term and hit enter when i am not interested in suggestions. I still have to wait for the connection to load or time out.
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