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Posts posted by Alfred0

  1. On 4/1/2024 at 7:00 AM, vitor said:

    Make a new workflow with a Keyword Input and connect it to an Arg and Vars Utility with your custom text plus {query} for the new input from the Keyword. Then connected it to a Call External Trigger Output set to open continue_chat from this workflow.

    Hi Vitor, thanks for creating this workflow - opens up so many new ways to leverage AI!!


    I have a question about this idea. I'm aiming to create several workflows that apply specific instructions to the given text e.g. I'm trying to create a workflow that takes the selected text and improves the writing based on a custom prompt/instructions.


    Using your guidance, I've managed to get it working. However, I wanted to ask if there's a way to display only the OpenAI output, without showing the entire prompt I entered in the Args and Vars step? I've included what I'm seeing below.


    [Bonus] Include some output text to display before the output from chatgpt e.g.

    "Here's the improved text:

    <chatgpt response>"



    Alfred Preferences.png

    chat window with prompt.png

  2. On 10/13/2022 at 8:55 AM, vitor said:


    That just says “TODO” and is left as a pre-release. The only commit is “Hello World” and it has an unsigned app inside. It’s clearly unfinished, so doesn’t fall into scope.


    Ok, thx for looking into it. Pity, as it’s such a unique and useful plugin.


    Not sure if @Mr Pennyworth still visits these forums but it would be great if he could help update.

  3. Keep running into errors trying to get Python 2 installed using the command on the help page:


    macOS 12.5.1

    M1 Max MBP


    $/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/alfredapp/dependency-scripts/raw/main/scripts/install-python2.sh)"
    Warning: pyenv 2.3.4 is already installed and up-to-date.
    To reinstall 2.3.4, run:
      brew reinstall pyenv
    python-build: use openssl@1.1 from homebrew
    python-build: use readline from homebrew
    Downloading Python-2.7.18.tar.xz...
    -> https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.18/Python-2.7.18.tar.xz
    Installing Python-2.7.18...
    patching file configure
    patching file configure.ac
    patching file setup.py
    patching file Mac/Tools/pythonw.c
    patching file setup.py
    patching file Doc/library/ctypes.rst
    patching file Lib/test/test_str.py
    patching file Lib/test/test_unicode.py
    patching file Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes.c
    patching file Modules/_ctypes/callproc.c
    patching file Modules/_ctypes/ctypes.h
    patching file Modules/_ctypes/callproc.c
    patching file setup.py
    patching file Mac/Modules/qt/setup.py
    patching file setup.py
    python-build: use tcl-tk from homebrew
    python-build: use readline from homebrew
    python-build: use zlib from xcode sdk
    WARNING: The Python readline extension was not compiled. Missing the GNU readline lib?
    ERROR: The Python ssl extension was not compiled. Missing the OpenSSL lib?
    Please consult to the Wiki page to fix the problem.
    BUILD FAILED (OS X 12.5.1 using python-build 20180424)
    Inspect or clean up the working tree at /var/folders/kn/1zpbw9s95j77gd2m7g50gyqczjm5nq/T/python-build.20220926213018.13280
    Results logged to /var/folders/kn/1zpbw9s95j77gd2m7g50gyqczjm5nq/T/python-build.20220926213018.13280.log
    Last 10 log lines:
    rm -f /Users/user.name/.pyenv/versions/2.7.18/share/man/man1/python.1
    (cd /Users/user.name/.pyenv/versions/2.7.18/share/man/man1; ln -s python2.1 python.1)
    if test "xno" != "xno"  ; then \
    		case no in \
    			upgrade) ensurepip="--upgrade" ;; \
    			install|*) ensurepip="" ;; \
    		esac; \
    		 ./python.exe -E -m ensurepip \
    			$ensurepip --root=/ ; \
    ln: /usr/local/bin/python: File exists


    Has anyone run into this error and found a solution?

  4. Hi, I'm trying to create a workflow that allows me to search through clipboard items that have been pre-filtered to match a certain string.

    The basic workflow idea would be to:

    • Invoke the workflow and have it list all clipboard history items that match a certain pattern eg. let's say all clipboard items containing "alfredforum.com". 
    • Then what I'd like to be able to do is filter through the matching results by typing additional characters eg "clipboard" which would show me all clipboard items matching both "alfredforum.com" and "clipboard".


    Does anyone know if that's possible and how I might go about achieving it?

  5. Wow, this is AMAZING, tku so much for helping @deanishe 🙏 🙏 🙏


    If I wanted to duplicate this workflow to use for other urls do you know the best way to go about that? I tried simply duplicating it and changing the keywords but I ran into this error:

    [19:45:06.975] ERROR: Go To URL With History[Script Filter] Code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/tony/Dropbox/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5C60DE21-919E-402F-B68F-2F23CF082B62/./search-history.py", line 19, in <module>
        CACHE = Path(os.environ['alfred_workflow_cache'])
      File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.7/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/os.py", line 679, in __getitem__
        raise KeyError(key) from None
    KeyError: 'alfred_workflow_cache'



    Also, do you know if it would be possible for a different workflows to share the same history.txt file?


  6. Got it, thx @vitor and @deanishe!


    @Andrew, it would be great to consider adding built-in support for common file actions such as rename, copy/move, and duplicate. I'm sure there are a number of different workflows that could accomplish some of this but that adds a lot more friction.


    Here's an example of something I do a lot of to illustrate e.g. renaming a file and then dragging it on to an application.

    1. Find the file (Search or Trickster)
    2. Rename the file. At this point I'm in the actions menu view which unfortunately does not allow dragging the selected file? Would be great if this would work.
    3. I need to dismiss and then re-trigger Alfred
    4. Again find the file I just renamed
    5. Finally, drag it to the app.

    Steps 3-4 seem unnecessary.

  7. Hi,


    I have a number of custom searches for my companies internal/external sites and find myself searching for the same sets of keywords day after day and would love to have a workflow to help me streamline this process. Basically my own local autosuggest with the following features:


    1. Saves all keywords searched to disk so that the next time I trigger the workflow it will autosuggest the previous keywords searched and allow me to filter the list as I type.
    2. It would also be great if I could configure these different autosuggest workflows to use the same keyword dataset for their suggestions as I often end up searching across different urls with the same keywords.


    Has anyone come across a workflow that can do this.



  8. WOW, thank you so much for doing this Vitor 🙌.


    Very much appreciated!!


    Some quick questions I wanted to ask:

    1. The name of the file in the action menu still shows the old name after hitting enter, although the path is correct
    2. When doing this on folders Alfred seems to close after hitting enter instead of showing the action menu
    3. Is it possible to return back to the view I was on when triggering the Rename hotkey instead of showing the action menu perhaps as an action modifier?
      1. I know I mentioned above that I usually like to perform additional actions on that file but sometimes I'm looking to rename a few file in the search results that are being displayed or the folder I'm browsing.

    Thx again for you help.

  9. Hi, I'm still getting used to Universal Actions and was wondering if it would be possible to create one to rename the currently selected file/folder in Alfred using the following workflow?


    Proposed Workflow:

    1. Open Alfred and search for the file/folder I'm looking for
    2. Once found, hit a keyboard shortcut (e.g. Cmd-R) to trigger a Rename workflow on that file, without having to first hit tab to show all actions
    3. Input a new file name
    4. Hit enter and still have the same file select so I can perform additional actions if needed e.g. Move, Email, etc..



  10. 22 hours ago, deanishe said:

    This is the tricky bit. One of Alfred's most important features is its "knowledge" – its ability to learn from your behaviour, so you can train it to associate, say, the query "jt" with your "Jira – Tickets" tab.


    The only way to enforce tabs > bookmarks > history ordering is for the workflow to disable Alfred's knowledge, which I am very reluctant to do.


    I can see why you might be reluctant to do this but I would personally be fine with this tradeoff if need be 😁


    13 hours ago, deanishe said:

    That’s what I was wondering about. Have tabs, bookmarks and history, and only set UIDs on the first non-empty group. That should keep the other groups below them?


    Sounds promising 🤞


    I have honestly been after this functionality for so many years now... super excited to see if this is possible 😎

  11. Hi @deanishe, I wanted to run the following idea by you to see how feasible you think it is.


    During the day I typically have a lot of tabs open and use Firefox a lot to access Jira which is my companies ticket tracking platform. Throughout the day I'll use Firefox to:

    1. Open new Jira tickets
    2. Update existing jira tickets
    3. Open tickets I have worked on recently e.g. yesterday, last week, etc..
    4. Open bookmarks to saved Agile boards, etc..

    Firefox assistant has made this so much easier to use and I use it throughout the day 😎


    One feature I find myself longing for is the ability to perform any of the actions above without having to figure out which type of url it is e.g. Open tab, bookmark or history item.


    My question/request is whether it would be possible to support the following workflow:

    1. Configure a keyboard shortcut to open the workflow showing all my tabs sorted by recently used. (This is already possible 🙌)
    2. When searching however, instead of just searching open tabs it would also search across all types mentioned above (eg. open tabs, bookmarks or history items)
      1. Matches against open tabs would be prioritized / boosted to the top to prevent opening duplicate urls.
    3. If the url isn't currently open then it fallback to show results matching history items / bookmarks.
    4. Hit enter to open the url in a new tab.

    Apologies for the long post but this is something I've been hoping for for ages. 


    Having the ability to quickly open and navigate to any browser tab, bookmark, or history item is imo the holy grail of browser tab management 😁.


    Interested to hear your thoughts 🙏

  12. 1 hour ago, dfay said:

    Is there any chance of extending this or making it user-extensible?  Right now I have a hotkey set to act on the current selection on Mail & pull up a List Filter with some workflows & actions but this would be better I think.


    I have no idea if NSUserActivity could be deployed here but it seems interesting as a possibility.





    This would really elevate the usefulness of this functionality to me personally (previously discussed in this topic).


    Example use cases that come to mind:

    1. File from the currently active window like Finder but for other apps e.g. Preview, Sketch, Pages, Keynote, etc..
    2. URL from the currently active browser e.g. Chrome, Safari, etc..
    3. Take a look at an app called Hook that has numerous examples of this
  13. 22 hours ago, deanishe said:



    This only works if you're performing a top level search. Was hoping for something that would completely reset Alfred to the empty state when it is first triggered eg. you're navigating a folder or on the file actions menu.


    22 hours ago, deanishe said:

    Some interesting suggestions, but this isn't a very good way to present them. You've got a dozen different things there that are a dozen different conversations. Better to add your input to existing threads, and if there aren't any, create one focussed new thread on one feature or group of functionally-related features.



  14. I often find myself longing for the ability to change the folder sort type with a shortcut instead of having to use the mouse e.g. "Sort by Name / Creation Date / Last Modified Date". It would be great if the sort type and direction could be saved per folder e.g. downloads = created/desc


    Lastly, being able to hold a modifier when navigating into a folder to override the sort type would be another great upgrade to this request e.g. Cmd-Right Arrow would navigate into the folder and sort by "Last Modified Date"

  15. Would be awesome if we could create Actions for other types of content. e.g. similar to File Actions you could add Text Actions, Url Actions, etc..


    This would allow for things such as text manipulation (e.g. Mardown, convert to upper case, etc..). This would really fly with the ability to send the highlighted text to Alfred.


  16. Would be awesome to have the ability to trigger a workflow on the selected object in Alfred e.g. add a "Current Alfred Selection" to the arguments dropdown. I know File Actions can accomplish some of this but they also require multiple additional steps. 


    This would allow users to perform actions such as rename, get info, duplicate, etc.. on the selected file.

  17. Allow Workflows to configure their own settings for showing results subtext/subtitle.


    1. I'd prefer to have this setting turned off by default but disabling this renders many workflows useless as they use the subtitle for critical information.
    2. Ideally I'd like to configure this to off globally and then toggle it on for any workflows that it makes sense for.


    Carved out some suggestions from the mega thread I posted earlier.

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