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  1. Super late reply, but this is no longer an issue with Alfred and the workflow Alfred will automatically search for PHP install in the following directories. /opt/homebrew/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php Alternatively, you can still define your path in the script as suggested. export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" Tested with macOS Monterey 12.5 on Apple Silicon, PHP and PHP@7.4 installed with Brew Edit: Tested using Alfred 5.0.1
  2. @Dasblatz including the Alfred theme switch. The workflow is a separate install as I prefer using a custom Aflred theme I didn't include the toggle as it was only changing the Alfred theme to light.
  3. Dark Mode Workflow for Alfred v.0.5 Enable Dark Mode or Light Mode on macOS Mojave using Alfred Download Dark Mode WorkFlow Or Download Dark Mode WorkFlow (Alfred Theme + macOS Mojave) This version includes the ability to switch Alfred theme to Alfred Mac OS and Alfred MacOS Dark. Install Double click on the "Dark Mode Workflow for Alfred 0.5.alfredworkflow" workflow that you have just downloaded. More info: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/ Usage use darkmode to enable Dark Mode use lightmode to enable Light Mode use togglemode to toggle between Dark Mode and Light Mode Optional Within the WorkFlow settings in Alfred, you can add your custom Hotkey to trigger the three commands License MIT © 2018 Miko Magni
  4. Thank you @gamell I merged your pull request. Added you to the credit, your instructions and increased the version number across everything. Really liking those default variables Cheers
  5. Hi Gabrielle, Did you generate your Trello Developer API Key and then authorised the workflow to work with Trello and entered the correct Board ID? The only way that I was able to replicate the error was by entering the credential incorrectly. Make sure that each preference in the bash file is within '' example below key='00000000000' token='0000000000000000000000000000000' boardid='0000000'
  6. I have just posted an update that should fix your problem. Please make sure to delete the old version before installing the new Trello Workflow. Follow the installation instructions and generate your API KEY and Token. Thanks, Miko
  7. Updated setup instructions to reflect the new permalink structure in Trello. https://github.com/MikoMagni/Alfred-for-Trello/blob/master/README.md#setup Thanks Stephane for letting me know about the issue
  8. Trello Workflow for Alfred App v.1.6.1 Create cards in Trello using Alfred App https://www.alfredapp.com/ Download Trello WorkFlow 1.6.1 Install Double click on the "Trello Workflow for Alfred v.1.6.1" workflow that you have just downloaded. More info: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/ Note: if you have version 1.5 installed, remove it before installing the new version. Setup Generate your Trello Developer API Key Use the keyword "get trello key" to generate your Trello Developer API Key. More information: https://developers.trello.com/docs/api-introduction. Note: Make sure to be logged in Trello in your default browser before generating your API Key. Copy your API Key Authorize Trello Workflow Use the keyword "get trello token" plus your "API Key" to authorize the Trello Workflow to use your Trello account Example: get trello token 00000000000000000000 More information: https://developers.trello.com/docs/api-introduction Allow Trello Workflow to use your account Copy your Token Your Trello board id Choose the Trello board that you wish to use with Trello Workflow and copy the board id You can get the board id by simply going to your board and add .json at the end of the URL. Example: Go to the Trello developmemt Roadmap Board https://trello.com/b/nC8QJJoZ/trello-development-roadmap. To view the board id add .json at the end of the URL https://trello.com/b/nC8QJJoZ/trello-development-roadmap.json. You should now see the full JSON The board id in the example is: 4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c Open the Trello Workflow for Alfred in Alfred app. Use the Keyword Alfred to Show Alfred Preferences. Navigate to Workflows and select Trello Workflow for Alfred v1.6 from the side column. Double click on the /bin/bash script and enter your API Key, Your Token and your board id here: Make sure that each preference in the bash file is within single quotes: Click Save Usage General usage trello {field} separate fields using ; You can choose to have spaces or not between fields. For example {field1}; {field2} and {field1};{field2} will work. Available fields: {Card Title}; {Card Description}; {Labels}; {Due Date}; {List Name}; {Card Position} Basic Usage Card Title trello make dinner reservation will create a card on your board on the first list with the title "make dinner reservation" Card Description trello make dinner reservation; table for 10 people at around 7:30pm will create a card on your board on the first list with the title "make dinner reservation" and description "table for 10 people at around 7:30pm" Labels trello make dinner reservation; table for 10 people at around 7:30pm; blue will create a card on your board on the first list with the title "make dinner reservation" and description "table for 10 people at around 7:30pm" with a "blue" label Available Labels all (will add green, yellow, orange, red, purple and blue) green yellow orange red purple blue You can add more than one label by comma separating them. trello make dinner reservation; table for 10 people at around 7:30pm; blue,red,yellow Please note: Make sure not to have spaces between comma separated labels. Custom labels are not supported. If you find a way let me know Due Date trello make dinner reservation; table for 10 people at around 7:30pm; blue; 04/26/2018 will create a card on your board on the first list with the title "make dinner reservation" and description "table for 10 people at around 7:30pm" with a "blue" label. The due date will be set as 04/26/2018 List Name trello make dinner reservation; table for 10 people at around 7:30pm; blue; 04/26/2018; Today will create a card on your board on the list Today with the title "make dinner reservation" and description "table for 10 people at around 7:30pm" with a "blue" label. The due date will be set as 04/26/2018. Please note: List name are case sensitive today will not work if your list is named Today. The example will only work if you have a list named Today, otherwise the card will be created on your first list. Card Position trello make dinner reservation; table for 10 people at around 7:30pm; blue; 04/26/2018; Today; top will create a card on your board on the list Today with the title "make dinner reservation" and description "table for 10 people at around 7:30pm" with a "blue" label. The due date will be set as 04/26/2018. Note: If you don't specify a card position, your new card will automatically be placed at the end of the list. Available options (case sensitive) top bottom bottom top Advanced Usage You can skip any of the available fields by simply adding ; {Card Title}; {Card Description}; {Labels}; {Due Date}; {List Name}; {Card Position} For example if I wanted to post a card with Title, Label and a Due date i would use this syntax {Card Title}; ; {Labels}; {Due Date} trello Clean my car; ; red; 04/29/2018 Or a card with title only but on a different list {Card Title}; ; ; ; {List Name} trello Clean my car; ; ; ; Upcoming Environment Variables by @gamell Given that some might want always to create the cards on the same list, or with the same label, or same due date, or same position by default, I added the ability to set those defaults via the environment variables trello.list_name, trello.label, trello.due and trello.position. One can conveniently add or edit those environment variables without programming knowledge through the Alfred Workflow editor, clicking on the [x] button on the top right (see screenshot below). Note: If you don't set the variable, the workflow will behave as it did before. FAQ Coming soon License MIT © Miko Magni
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