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Everything posted by andreas.w

  1. Just released version 2.0! This is something that I realized maybe a year ago that I wanted to do eventually, to rewrite all the PHP and Python (which is almost all of what this workflow used to be) in a way that will make it work without external dependencies when Apple stops providing PHP and Python with the OS (which has been know for a while that they will eventually stop doing) With macOS 12 Monterey, which will be released possibly as soon as the coming week (but more likely next month), PHP will be gone, which means that this workflow would not function if you did not manually install PHP yourself, and while I did some changes in version 1.7 recently to make the workflow function with a version of PHP that you have installed yourself, I do really not like the idea of requiring PHP to be manually installed for my workflow to function, and it is also just a matter of time before Python goes away as well. Likely next year. So I have rewritten everything that was written in PHP and Python in Go instead. Which means that almost everything is entirely rewritten (there is just a bit of AppleScript that has only changed a little) Go is a compiled programming language, and it does not require any runtime to be installed to function once the code is compiled. This means that the workflow is not dependent on Apple to provide support for something like PHP or Python in macOS anymore, and Go also has the added benefit of being faster than a scripting language like PHP. Version 2.0 does not really look or behave as different as the version bump might indicate, but almost everything has changed underneath to make this a better workflow. Rewritten in Go, so no dependency on PHP or Python anymore. This is important, as Apple is removing PHP from macOS 12 Monterey, and will also remove Python from macOS in the future. It's faster! Running the backend of the workflow as a compiled binary (Go) instead of a script (PHP) makes it faster, and it is also compiled as a universal binary, so it's running natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel Macs, but there are also some other changes that helps to make it faster and you will probably notice the difference if you used the old version before. Less risk for unexpected behavior that leads to bugs, both because it can't behave different depending on which PHP or Python version you have anymore, but also because it now for example uses more reliable ways to keep track of information while navigating through the different parts of the workflow. Adding bookmarks from Firefox is now more reliable, and if things still occasionally go wrong, the workflow is better at communication that in a useful way. (I switched from Safari to Firefox myself, so it got some more attention than before) Ability to add a bookmark by copying the address, rather than getting it from the currently active browser window. To use this feature for adding a bookmark from an unsupported browser (or somewhere else), just copy the address and go to the bookmark adding feature of this workflow. It will just work, without you having to do anything more than that! Get it from GitHub!
  2. There is currently no way of doing that, but it's a very good suggestion, and I'm working on a solution for it. Stay tuned!
  3. There is now a new version of this Workflow, v1.7! The most important change here is that support for macOS Monterey is added. Apple removed PHP from Monterey (which has been preinstalled since Mac OS X 10.0 in 2001), so some changes had to be made to adopt to that, and you will also need to install PHP yourself for it to work in Monterey, which I recommend that you follow PHP's own instructions for if you have not already installed it. There is also quite a few more potential problems that are fixed with this update, so if you where having problems with this workflow before, please try again with this update and hopefully it will work better. There are also some new features! Bookmarks that you have marked as favourites in Raindrop will now be indicated, and will also by default be listed on top of results, and you can also now browse your Unsorted bookmarks the same way as you can browse other collections. Download from Packal or GitHub!
  4. Thanks @mark_h for reporting your issue, and thanks @deanishe for helping with solving it! I have now also released version 1.6.1 that doesn't have this issue anymore, so hopefully your problems, @xurc and @Davide would also be fixed if you upgrade to this latest version. Please get back if that still doesn't help for you. Sorry for letting that problem get into the previous release.
  5. Exactly! I can look at this problem, @AV8RDude, if you get the error message that you'll find in the debugger, as @deanishe said. You could send the log messages you see in the debugger in a private message to me if you don't want to post it for everyone to see. First open the debugger, as in the linked instructions, then make sure to do the same thing you did when the problem occurred, and then copy and send the log messages you see in the debugger. I also think I would need the same thing from you, @xurc, to be able to find out what's going wrong in your case.
  6. There is now a new version available! The most visible change for most people will be that the icon is now updated to reflect Raindrop.io's change of logo. Other than that, there is now support for the NAVER Whale browser (as requested by @memote), and there is a bug fix for the authentication mechanism that fixes issues that some users where experiencing. @Davide & @xurc, could you try the new version and see if the problem you had might possibly be fixed with this update?
  7. @Davide & @xurc If you cloned the git repository and didn't make sure to also get the submodule that it includes, you would end up with something like what you are describing. Could that be it? If that's the reason you can fix it by going to the Raindrop.io workflow directory (right click the workflow in Alfred to find it) in the terminal and run these two commands there: git submodule init git submodule update It is supposed to work without doing anything like that if it is installed by downloading and double clicking the .alfredworkflow file.
  8. Hi @Davide & @xurc I'm trying to understand exactly what goes wrong for you. I guess thet you first open Alfred and type r anyway Then I'm a bit unsure what happens. The expected behaviour is that: 1. If you just typ r, you will get a list from Alfred with suggestions based on that one letter, with the Raindrop default options somewhere in that list. 2. If you type r<space>, and nothing more, you will get options to either open Raindrop.io in a browser or to browse your bookmarks directly inside Alfred 3. If you type r<space>search query, you will search your Raindrop bookmarks for that search query, and you should get a list with bookmarks in a second or two. What I am unsure of is if the fallback list you mention is the expected behaviour in (1) or (2) above, or if you are doing (3) and still get a fallback list, and in that case I wonder what alternatives you get in that fallback list so I can figure out what list this is and how this happened, so I can find a fix for it.
  9. Hi @memote I'll try to add support for Naver Whale in the next version (which i'm working on now), and as it seems to be Chromium based it will likely not be a problem.
  10. Hi @tsieling! Could you try to start with searching for a bookmark instead of starting with saving? It looks like there might be a problem with the authentication process if you try to save the first time you use the workflow instead of trying to search. I will look into fixing this too, but try that for now and see if it works.
  11. @deanishe Thanks for the link to that thread! It all seams to be a mess really. - The Catalina Beta release notes said at some point that all the scripting languages will be removed eventually, but there where nothing that indicated that in the actual OS - Big Sur Beta does not say anything about that in the release notes (not that I could find anyway), and all scripting languages are still there - PHP's and Python 2's version info in Big Sur says that they will be removed in a future version (which they didn't do in Catalina) - Python 3 wasn't even there before Big Sur, so it was added right now, and does not say anything about being deprecated, so it would look like that would stay then I guess? Seems to me like Apple might have changed there minds to not actually remove all scripting languages anyway, but only some of them that in their minds doesn't fit in a desktop OS for some reason, which would be PHP and maybe something else, and then of course Python 2 that is more obvious to remove as it is end of life now, and seems to rather finally be on it's way to be replaced by Python 3 even in macOS. (You still get Python 2 when you run the python command without any version number in the command though, in Big Sur Beta 1)
  12. I installed macOS Big Sur Developer Beta 1 on a secondary partition to try it out, and one unexpected thing I found out by doing that is that PHP is now marked with information that it will be removed in a future version of macOS. When I run "php --version" in Big Sur Dev Beta 1 I get: WARNING: PHP is not recommended PHP is included in macOS for compatibility with legacy software. Future versions of macOS will not include PHP. PHP 7.3.17-(to be removed in future macOS) (cli) (built: Jun 6 2020 07:41:43) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.3.17, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies Running the same command in Catalina gives me the following (so the message above is new in Big Sur) PHP 7.3.11 (cli) (built: Apr 17 2020 19:14:14) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.3.11, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies I guess that there is some official information about this from Apple somewhere too that I could not find, but having this disclaimer in the version information in the actual software seems official enough to me though. I thought this might be interesting for you all to know about, as many Alfred Workflows are using PHP. We will obviously be able to install PHP ourselves manually even after it isn't included out of the box anymore, which itself could take years (and I guess it could be included in Alfred itself to minimize the impact when it is actually removed), but it might be a good idea to not create new workflows in PHP anymore, and maybe think about rewriting existing ones in, for example, Python instead. (I will probably rewrite my Raindrop.io workflow in Python at som point because of this)
  13. New version again! v1.5 with quite a few changes. Primarily, you can now set the title to whatever you want and add tags when you create a new bookmark, and you also get tags in the search results so you can view or search bookmarks with that tag. More info and details in the changelog in the first post Get it here: https://www.packal.org/workflow/search-raindropio I can't really think of anything that I miss in this workflow anymore now, so there probably won't be as frequent updates anymore going forward.
  14. I found and fixed a bug that would make the bookmark adding feature fail in many cases, so update to version 1.4.1 if that didn't work for you previously.
  15. Version 1.4 is now available, and it now shows collections in the search results, and you can select them to browse or search their content. Before you have started to type a search query, you also now have the option to browse your collections instead of starting with a search. Get the new version here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/search-raindropio Thanks I started to put out the releases on GitHub too, which I didn't do at first, as that is needed to make it downloadable from Pacmax. Pacmax is rather slow at updating it's information from GitHub, so the new version will probably not be visible there until a few hours from now, but it is downloadable from Packal and GitHub right now.
  16. Version 1.3 is now available with support for adding bookmarks form the currently active browser. See the info in the first post for more about how this works, and get the new version at Packal: https://www.packal.org/workflow/search-raindropio
  17. Sorry, I think I misunderstood you. I was writing in the last posts, before your question, about the new feature coming any day now (and available on the github dev-version already) that makes it possible to add new bookmarks, and that feature does let you search for collections to add the new bookmark to. You can't search for collections and list the bookmarks in them. At least not at the moment. I had not even thought of that until right now, but It is not a bad idea I might add it later, but no promises about that right now.
  18. I really like Firefox too. I used it for many years as my primary browser, and would probably still do that if I didn't just happen to like Safari even more in recent years. But anyway, I really do want to support it together with all the other browsers, and because of the information that deanishe provided in an earlier comment here, and his great Firefox integration workflow, I have been able to make that work, and am testing and making the final touches on a version of this workflow that can add new bookmarks to Raindrop from all relevant browsers, including Firefox. I will probably release it within a week or so, but if you want to try it out now, as it is at the moment, you can find the current development version on Github: https://github.com/westerlind/alfred-raindrop-search Not really all that much information there about adding bookmarks yet, but the feature is there and works And just to make that clear, Firefox is already supported for searching and opening bookmarks. The part that was tricky to do in Firefox was adding bookmarks from it.
  19. That looks really good! Seems like there is a good way to get info about the current URL from Firefox after all then Well done deanishe!
  20. Just released version 1.2 with some smaller changes (check the changelog in the first post), and I think I will go for your suggestion next, probably within a few weeks. I have looked into that a bit, and it seems like it will be possible to implement this really well for Safari and for all the Chromium based browsers (Chrome, Edge, Brave, Opera etc), but sadly not for Firefox, which is because as far as I can tell there is no way of getting the current URL from Firefox from a third party app/script without either doing some really hacky things to Firefox itself (which is bad), implementing a full Firefox extension for it (which seems like overkill for something like this), or automating a selection of the address bar and copying of its content, which would probably make Alfred close while that is happening, as it would lose focus, and still would not be a very nice solution even if it worked. So, this would probably be a feature for practically all browsers except Firefox, but it could still work really well in those browsers, and in Firefox (just like the other browsers) there is always the official Raindrop.io extension for saving bookmarks. I guess if we go by the statistics, not all that many people use Firefox anymore anyway?
  21. This workflow is now on GitHub, here: https://github.com/westerlind/alfred-raindrop-search
  22. It's not there at the moment, but I have been thinking of putting it there, and will probably do so within a few days. Glad you like it!
  23. Released a new version with proper OAuth authentication built in, so that this is now handled in a simple to use way that is initiated directly from the workflow if it senses that you are not authenticated yet. No traffic goes anywhere else then to Raindrop.io itself during this process, so everything stays 100% on your device only and when you accept that this workflow gets access to your account, you only accept that this workflow on your computer gets that access, nothing else.
  24. Didn't expect this to be done this fast when I wrote about it a few hours ago, but there is now a new version with support for Raindrop's new API, and thereby support for doing the actual search inside Alfred and open the bookmark in the web browser instead of opening the Raindrop.io search result page in the browser like before. It's important to read and follow the instructions in the import dialog while importing this new version to Alfred, as this workflow will not work at all otherwise.
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