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Posts posted by vdesabou

  1. Hi Andrew,


    I noticed this strange behavior: If I use empty UID, it displays results in same order as results in XML (expected), except for the last result..


    See example below, I have the following xml (complete output here https://i.cloudup.com/sBu1xdxFRP.xml):

    <item uid="" valid="yes" autocomplete="">
    Update Playlist List (use it when you have added or removed a playlist)
    when done you'll receive a notification. you can check progress by invoking the workflow again
    <item uid="" valid="no" autocomplete="Playlist▹spotify:user:vdesabou:starred▹">
    <title> Sélection (569 tracks)</title>
    <subtitle>by Vincent de Saboulin (vdesabou)</subtitle>
    /Users/vdesabou/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player/artwork/90badeb4076d291bd08c6c20ffe79625/vdesabou_starred.png
    <item uid="" valid="no" autocomplete="Playlist▹spotify:user:trickyofficial:playlist:1u5vQfIxo8X1zoOInXxSGn▹">
    <title> Tricky’s Choice (95 tracks)</title>
    <subtitle>by trickyofficial (trickyofficial)</subtitle>
    /Users/vdesabou/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player/artwork/defe5e40d4c85e72406c0e6ac416942b/trickyofficial_1u5vQfIxo8X1zoOInXxSGn.png
    <item uid="" valid="no" autocomplete="Playlist▹spotify:user:chibulls23:playlist:3e1ufHxVFft35akWPnXgEq▹">
     Music from and inspired by the film DRIVE (115 tracks)
    <subtitle>by chibulls23 (chibulls23)</subtitle>
    /Users/vdesabou/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player/artwork/65d1017e31390a2b57c23c9ca03b010f/chibulls23_3e1ufHxVFft35akWPnXgEq.png

    As you can see the playlist " Music from and inspired by the film DRIVE (115 tracks)" is at the end and has UID empty, but I get the following:





    This was not the case before and I had to apply a workaround on May 29th (see https://github.com/vdesabou/alfred-spotify-mini-player/commit/0393575ad65f923951a7a8a9d4c42c22de518ae0 ) so that must appeared in one of the last versions of Alfred?


    Is this a bug ?


    Alfred 2.3 (264). Reproducible: yes

  2. Hi,


    Sorry if I missed it, but I can't find this information in docs..

    It seems to me that knowledge is not applied for valid=no and autocomplete results


    Let's take an example:




    I set uid with playlist name, valid='no' and autocomplete for playlist "La Musique de Paris Derniere":

    <item uid="La Musique de Paris Derniere" valid="no" autocomplete="Playlist▹spotify:user:lottademoulin:playlist:60eL7pH4yG8Jb2LVOOuMNA▹"><arg/><title>
  3. You've done an amazing job with this workflow, thank you.


    Unfortunately I get this error message when I try to use the workflow:


         A workflow that you have downloaded uses the Alfred Bundler to install required support software, and wants to use 'Terminal-          Notifier-Version-1.6.'


    I have installed Terminal Notifier 1.6 using homebrew.


    When I allow it I get the error message, and then it dies:


         sh: d: command not found


    I'm sure this is my error, but does anyone have an idea how to fix it? I'm a big Spotify and Alfred user so I'd love to use this workflow.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




    I sent you a PM with a link to beta version which should fix this issue


    I continue to get "scptl is trying to allow an item to always run" dialogs even though I repeatedly authenticate. I'm not a programmer: what do these dialogs do? I'm assuming this is the whitelisting you're talking about. Running Mavericks. Fails before opening. It does work if I point my browser to the address you gave. Debugging, I get this error:

    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.script] Code 0: 134:141: syntax error: A identifier can’t go after this “"”. (-2740)
    36:87: execution error: System Events got an error: Can’t set process "Application Stub" to true. (-10006)
    [INFO: alfred.workflow.action.script] Processing output 'alfred.workflow.output.notification' with arg ''


    FYI I had same issue this morning and opened bug here https://github.com/shawnrice/packal-updater/issues/1 but immediately close it because I've found the way to fix it by removing the data bundler directory, but I'll let Shawn confirm :)

  5. that did it.




    usage: after punching in the keyword (or hotkey) with and then entering a playlist name followed by selection of playlist. I'm presented with "spot_mini Playlist⇾spotify:user:drlulz:playlist:66kkwCLUdjJtvs2pC9mlNq⇾" at which point I can search further for a track. As I search for a song it is not filtered to the top (it is always at ⌘5). The first 4 items are, the playlist I'm currently searching, open in spottily, update playlist, and a information icon telling me to select a track below to play it.


    ​is there something i can set on my end to make the song filter to the top, so i can just press enter to select?


    I agree, it's a wrong behavior, I'll fix that in next release

  6. the install for 4.3.1 was good here, but when trying to set the Alfred playlist for the first time (I haven't used it previously) i received this error.







    EDIT: I should mention that I haven't noticed a functional consequence of said error. Everything seems to be good.


    Ok my bad, again a release issue, can you try 4.3.2 https://github.com/packal/repository/raw/master/com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player/spotifyminiplayer.alfredworkflow

  7. is there somewhere i can download 4.2?






    found it here, but app in spotify has disappeared 





    EDIT 2:


    restarted spotify and it found spot_mini after installing 4.2.3. all is good.


    I think i found the issue with 4.3, please test updated version 4.3.1 here https://github.com/packal/repository/raw/master/com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player/spotifyminiplayer.alfredworkflow

  8. is there somewhere i can download 4.2?






    found it here, but app in spotify has disappeared 





    EDIT 2:


    restarted spotify and it found spot_mini after installing 4.2.3. all is good.


    Yes I don't know why but it seems Spotify needs to be restarted now when workflow is updated.

    Sorry for the trouble, I'll mention it for next updates

    I hope everything else is ok

  9. I really thought keys were needed due the Spotify.com message above… Sorry.


    It is working!


    First minute feedback:



    [issue] - using fn key to add a track to Alfred Playlist is also pausing Spotify: [update] I got a message saying the track was added but it seems it is not. It seems it is only pausing Spotify.


    I can't reproduce on my side. Is the Alfred Playlist set? I see a problem if this is a local track, it is not added, I'll fix that, but I can't reproduce the pausing of Spotify.


    Can you open an issue here https://github.com/vdesabou/alfred-spotify-mini-player/issues to discuss this further?


    [request] - I need keyword to add a track to Alfred Playlist e.g.:

    • keyword sp  (Spotify Current Playing)
    • It would show cover (instead of pause button) and the current playing song you already show in the main keyword
    • but the main action (return key) would be add to Alfred Playlist
    • option actions with modifiers could be useful (lyrics and album/artist related actions you already have somehow)
    Do you think you can make such keyword? I really like to be focused on current playing song so I can “bookmark” a track as fast as possible.


    Yes, definitely doable. Can you open this request here ?https://github.com/vdesabou/alfred-spotify-mini-player/issues

    I'll add that whenever possible


    PS: great, great workflow!



    Yeah, so I investigated this. I created a test account with no premium subscription. Registering a developer account was just one click, after that you land here :



    But you don't have to click the get application keys (this is needed only when you use libspotify which is for iOS/OSX dev), but for Spotify Apps needed for my workflow, it is not needed.


    I then checked that I have access to my application in spotify with my test account:




    So everything shall be fine with no premium account. Did you have a chance to use the workflow yet?

  11. FYI the download link is not working.


    It seems I need a premium account to get the Spotify keys, is that right?


    Must be a Packal issue, because i'm using the download link from there http://www.packal.org/workflow/spotify-mini-player and it has 404 error. I've just updated it, maybe it needs some time to get updated on the backend..



    Unless this has changed, premium account is not mandatory (but I have premium account, so cannot really test). Have you tried?

  12. Try the new version I just posted as well -- it should avoid the error message in any case.



    When I try your workflow, I get:-

    Starting debug for 'Workflow Picker'
    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 00:02:43 workflow.py:1256 ERROR    'categories'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/vdesabou/Dropbox/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.00D8AA6A-5472-4597-8407-BF65330664C1/workflow/workflow.py", line 1254, in run
      File "categories.py", line 53, in main
        for i in pl['categories']:
    KeyError: 'categories'

    Any idea what's wrong?



  13. Shawn, does Tyler's workflow work for you? I get immediately taken to the fallback web search when I type in the keyword.


    I think I had same problem, the debug showed:

    Starting debug for 'Blur'
    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 1: 2014-05-11 15:08:09.547 defaults[14517:507] 
    The domain/default pair of (/Users/vincent/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2, experimentalBlur) does not exist
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "blur.py", line 24, in <module>
        currentBlur = subprocess.check_output(['defaults', 'read', 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2', 'experimentalBlur']).strip()
      File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 575, in check_output
        raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
    subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['defaults', 'read', 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2', 'experimentalBlur']' returned non-zero exit status 1

    To fix that, I had to do in terminal (for Mavericks):

    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -int 5

    Then the blur workflow is working fine


    Thanks for the great workflow!


    Everything works great except for local files within playlists, a lot of my music is not available within spotify and so within my playlists I mix in local files. While using the mini player to select a song from a playlist it works flawlessly with songs from spotify's library but when i enter a local file it just stays on the same song that was previously playing.


    If it helps here are two debug outputs:


    Spotify content:


    5:10:18 PM: 
    New command received: <playtrackwithplaylistcontext,spotify,track,2Lv7vYpPx68ttqspWdMnvw,spotify,user,ramsrdebest,playlist,4jdl735ZcdcYafaUdR5DC3> 
    Local content:
    5:10:38 PM: 
    New command received: <playtrackwithplaylistcontext,spotify,local,Storm Queen,Look Right Through - Single,Look Right Through (MK Remix),148,spotify,user,ramsrdebest,playlist,4jdl735ZcdcYafaUdR5DC3> 
    Thank You.
    (Also I am using version with the black redesign , I'm not sure if that affected the script)



    Hi, I will have a look whenever possible, in the mean time, can you open an issue here https://github.com/vdesabou/alfred-spotify-mini-player/issues/new



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