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Posts posted by dterranova

  1. Same. I use it to set my macs to sleep or to lock them. Would be nice to have this as a shortcut as I would use it a lot more often.  


    Having to open the remote as an app in itself means that i only use it when I have to as it takes too long and requires too many steps.

    Implementing some integration with Shortcuts would remove that extra step and then give the user more of an “immediate” remote functionality.
    I’d personally use it a lot more!



  2. Hi, sorry for bumping this up again, I have similar needs and couldn't find any other posts about it.

    I'm trying to get this to work, but getting similar results as the OP:


    [15:44:23.420] Disk Utilities[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'
    [15:44:23.858] Disk Utilities[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished
    [15:44:23.861] STDERR: Disk Utilities[Script Filter] Could not find disk: /dev/disk6s3
    [15:44:23.862] Disk Utilities[Script Filter] {"items":[{
      "title": "",
      "subtitle": "Select to mount",
      "arg": "/dev/disk6"


    I've installed jq and replaced the couple of lines from the 3 scripts that were in the original workflow.

    Is this a dead end or is there something that can be fixed to make this work?





    p.s. this is what the 'mount' Script Filter looks like after the edits, in case I misunderstood any of the instructions @vitor shared:


    export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH}"
    devices=($(diskutil list external physical | grep "/dev/" | cut -d' ' -f1))
    for device in ${devices[@]}; do
    	if [[ ${device} != *"disk2"* && ${device} != *"disk5"* ]];then
    		mounted=$(mount | grep $device | wc -l)
    		if [[ $mounted -eq 0 ]];then
    			max_partition=$(($(diskutil list $device | wc -l)-3))
    			vol_name=$(diskutil info ${device}s${max_partition} | grep "Volume Name" | xargs echo -n | cut -d' ' -f3)
    			JSON_STRING=$(jq -n \
    			--arg title "$vol_name" \
    			--arg subtitle "Select to mount" \
    			--arg arg "$device" \
    echo "{\"items\":[$JSON]}"


  3. I just screengrabbed the contents of Chrome's headers. Redacted private data but made sure to keep all var definitions intact.... I wonder if this is due to Notion's Team functionality that others have mentioned, being that there's is no spaceId anymore? Excuse my ignorance, just spitballing.

    EDIT: I tried copying notion_user_id into Alfred, just in case. No change.


    EDIT 2: 

    Found it! My bad.

    Didn't realize spaceID is under the Payload tab, not Headers. 

    It's there and it just started working! Thanks so much.
    Just saved myself probably 15min per day with this workflow :)


  4. 11 minutes ago, wrjlewis said:




    Thats correct, you need to paste the whole thing into 'cookie'.


    You are also pasting the wrong thing into space id, you need to get the 'spaceId', not the browser id. The readme on the github page should give you everything you need to know on where to find this value, the pictures are particularly good. 

    Ah gotcha, ok. Yeah I went through that readme a few times. Ok I'll grab the whole chunk.
    For spaceId, I can't actually find it anywhere in Chrome's headers. I copied the entire page (General, Response Headers, Request Headers), pasted into bbedit... "space" doesn't come up.  That's why I assumed it was browserID, since it's the only variable that matches the format.  Am I looking in the wrong place? I must be misreading something.

  5. Hi, excited to try this out!

    I'm getting the same behaviour as others: "No results, empty query, or error"

    I've gone through the last few pages in this thread but not 100% sure where my issue lies. I'll recap my steps:


    - installed the workflow.

    - pasted the cookie vars notion_browser_id into Cookie , token_v2 into Space ID(I think this is what your instructions are pointing to, but sometimes the language used sounds like you're saying to copy the entire chunk of text that comes after "cookie: " which for me is several lines with multiple vars and ; delineators)

    - Alfred gave errors ("No results, empty query, or error") so I installed python via homebrew.

    - Alfred error still persisted

    - Back in Terminal, despite having just installed python, it tells me

    WARNING: You are using pip version 21.2.4; however, version 23.0.1 is available.
    You should consider upgrading via the '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

    So I ran that command and it gives me this

    WARNING: The scripts pip, pip3 and pip3.9 are installed in '/Users/***/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH.
      Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.


    I don't know if that's even the issue.  I checked out the StackOverflow post you linked, but I'm not sure what to do because I don't have Python in my Apps folder.  

    On 11/3/2022 at 9:04 AM, wrjlewis said:

    Maybe I wasn't supposed to install python via homebrew?
    Or is it a case of adding the Python scripts into PATH?  (I don't know what that even is)

    Or something else altogether?

    Sorry, not super familiar with all this stuff but I'm a longtime tinkerer, so can only get so far.


    Thanks in advance





  6. On 1/20/2023 at 4:47 PM, vitor said:

    You can do it as a Finder comment too. Unfortunately, that’s not as reliable as the tag. For some reason Spotlight stopped indexing comments properly, so results may not be immediate or consistent.

    yeah thanks, I tried that and it was certainly unreliable. 
    It's so strange apple dropping the ball on this aspect of the OS.

    Even the tags themselves are pretty buggy in OS 12.4, they were a lot better in 10.12 which I still have running on a different machine. Such a shame but mostly very frustrating.

    Cheers anyways!

  7. I understand that macOS's indexing is inclusion-based only and not exclusionary, and that therefore Alfred's workaround is to use the alfred:ignore tag. 


    However I've been using tags heavily in my finder navigation where I mostly Group By Tags to separate my folder contents, like this:



    Problem is that the alfred:ignore tag creates an additional section and duplicates content that is already tagged with something else. 


    Might seem frivolous to most, but if you're relying on this tagging workflow like I do, I'd rather forgo the ignore tag and just deal with the unwanted results.

    I know this is a long shot, but is there ANY other way to do this without using tags?


  8. oh wow, yes! amazing. Thanks


    I just fed it a CSV which makes it even easier to manage. Works great!


    Does the workflow stay updated according to any new changes to the CSV, or is it just a one-time import thing? (sorry, slightly off topic)


    EDIT: Answered my own question by testing. Think I've found a solution to have a live CSV with this: fuzzylist by derickfay


    EDIT 2: ok no I don't think fuzzylist does what I thought but I'll keep digging!



  9. a-ha! That did it thank you.


    It's SO cool, but I think what I was hoping to achieve isn't possible due to the lack of "tag retrieval" ability like you said.

    Great for creating new colourless tags on the fly, but I have a bunch of predefined global tags that I use religiously, and having to type out the keyword in full isn't the solution.  At the moment I either right-click on the file, click Tags..., type in the first couple letters and hit Enter, or I use the Tag button in the toolbar


    but it's a lot of mousing around



  10. [13:00:34.601] Logging Started...
    [13:00:47.305] LabelColor[File Action] Processing complete
    [13:00:47.313] LabelColor[File Action] Passing output '/Users/xxx/Downloads/Chrome/NFU_design_Anim_COMP_15_Sh006_v002.mov' to Arg and Vars
    [13:00:47.315] LabelColor[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
    [13:00:47.315] LabelColor[Arg and Vars] Passing output '' to Keyword
    [13:00:52.466] LabelColor[Keyword] Processing complete
    [13:00:52.469] LabelColor[Keyword] Passing output 'proje' to Split Arg
    [13:00:52.470] LabelColor[Split Arg] Processing complete
    [13:00:52.471] LabelColor[Split Arg] Passing output '(
    )' to Join Args
    [13:00:52.471] LabelColor[Join Args] Processing complete
    [13:00:52.472] LabelColor[Join Args] Passing output 'proje' to Arg and Vars
    [13:00:52.472] LabelColor[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
    [13:00:52.473] LabelColor[Arg and Vars] Passing output '/Users/xxx/Downloads/Chrome/NFU_design_Anim_COMP_15_Sh006_v002.mov' to Split Arg
    [13:00:52.474] LabelColor[Split Arg] Processing complete
    [13:00:52.475] LabelColor[Split Arg] Passing output '(
    )' to Automation Task
    [13:00:52.476] ERROR: LabelColor[Automation Task] Task not found 'com.alfredapp.automation.core/files-and-folders/path.tags.add'


    Oh is that last line the culprit?


  11. Hey thanks. Actually I wasn't even trying to do it with Universal Actions, just for regular Finder navigation. But this is good to know also!


    I'm embarrassed to say I only just discovered the "Extras" tickboxes in Default Results, which were all disabled. This whole time I've been creating individual workflows for special folders. oh my days 🤦‍♂️ 


    I've just enabled Folders, and it's working great.  Bit messier than my custom workflows, but I think this is the way. Not sure why I've been skipping the Default Results page in the prefs window this whole time.



  12. Is it possible to just have a list of Finder files/folders that get automatically added to the list of available commands?


    I'm imagining something where I can drag ~/Folder_A , ~/abc/Second Folder, ~/xyz/Three into a list, and then "Folder_A", "Second Folder" and "Three" come up as suggestions (once queried)... without me having to manually create a workflow for each folder.


    I'm struggling to find info on this since it clashes with the topic of 'open multiple files with one command', so apologies if this has been covered.

    Have been using alfred for years but accessing key parts of my finder has been a bit of a stumbling block that I never bothered exploring until now.


    Thanks in advance!

  13. My bad, I deleted the response. I had a typo.

    Works great. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again so much @vitor! This just made my day


    Is there a way to automate this process with a global variable that stores both paths, across all workflows?

    For example I have a lot of workflows calling various different folders within "/Dropbox/STUDIO/". If I ever change location of STUDIO, I'd have to manually change each workflow that refs STUDIO and any sub folders.

    Loaded question probably. Figured I'd ask.


  14. Just bumping this topic by starting a new thread, which fizzled away like a bad smell ;)


    To recap:

    I have 2 machines with shared Alfred prefs (stored on dropbox). Works great for opening most folders that have the same path (i..e ~/Documents).


    But doesn't work when certain folders have different paths:


    mac1: /Volumes/DB/Dropbox/Projects
    mac2: ~/Dropbox/Projects


    I'd like to create a workflow (keyword: "projects") that opens the correct "Projects" folder, according to whatever the current machine is.


    If i were to write this in the language I'm familiar with, this is what it'd look like:

    if (_currentMachine=Mac1) { 
    } else if (_currentMachine==Mac2){ 


    However I'm not advanced enough in Alfred's workflows to understand how to create this, and Applescript even less so. 


    I would gladly pay someone $30 (or whatever's fair for the work!) to write this workflow for me, as I've been dying to get this set up for quite a long time, and for many folders. It's such a missing link in my own workflow and it's hindering other things from advancing. 

    I trust the community here and I'm serious about compensation (if it's too time consuming for me to figure it out).




    Mods: if $ talk isn't allowed in here please let me know and I'll revise the post



  15. On 7/18/2021 at 7:22 PM, deanishe said:

    Your problem is that Dropbox is in a different location on each machine, right?


    But if you sync your workflows via Dropbox, you always know where the Dropbox folder is because Alfred will execute every workflow within your Dropbox folder. ../../../ (for example) will always be the path to your Dropbox root.


    So to create a shortcut to a directory in your Dropbox, add a Keyword connected to a Run Script with Language = “/bin/zsh” and the Script /usr/bin/open "../../../Documents", for example.


    Hi @deanishe!

    I never got back to you about this as I got a little lost as to what happens in the Run Script. I'm beginner with this type of code.

    But mainly, I wasn't sure how this solution could work since my dropbox is set up in different locations, so Alfred's prefs file doesn't have a "mirrored" path that can be used relatively.


    Alfred prefs paths in both machines:

    mac 1:   /Volumes/DB/Dropbox/AppPrefs/Alfred.alfredpreferences

    mac 2:  /HD/Users/myusername/Dropbox/AppPrefs/Alfred.alfredpreferences


    So calling ../../../../ wouldn't take me to the same location. Or would it??

    And if so, what would I need to put in the Run Script to make it open a relative folder?

    Happy to be pointed toward a link to read too! My searches are fragmented answers that I'm struggling to piece together.


    Many thanks




    p.s. this is still where I'm at currently!


  16. Hi there! Almost a year later and embarrassingly I've progressed very little with this quest!


    I'm sorry for such basic questions, but

    1. Is this code right?


    set theComp to computer name of (system info)
        tell application "Finder"
            if theComp contains "macbook" then
                open "~/Dropbox/Screenshots"
            else if theComp contains "macpro" then
                open "/Volumes/DB/Dropbox/Screenshots"
            end if
        end tell


    2. How do I implement it?

    This is what I've been playing around with so far:




    and I'm sorry if it's documented somewhere already!

    Bit snowed under and when I search I just get too overwhelmed with info as I'm already dealing with too many different softwares and their specific workflows.


    p.s. I'm moving a lot of workflow/directory structure to dropbox to sync between the various machines, but need a single Alfred to open specific folders globally relative to the machine.


  17. On 6/6/2021 at 6:52 AM, deanishe said:


    When Alfred runs a workflow, the workflow's directory is the current working directory. So you can access any path in Dropbox using a relative path from your Alfred preferences instead of an absolute one. Say your Dropbox looks like this:


                user.workflow.BLAH-BLAH-BLAH/  <--- working directory


    When any workflow is run, you can access Dropbox/Documents at ../../../Documents


    That might not work in all cases, but when it's possible, it's the simplest way, imo.

    Thanks @deanishe. I understand the relative path access, but how would that help me in the case of having conditional workflows?

    I'm sure I'm missing something in what you're suggesting, if you can help connect the dots.




    	set theComp to computer name of (system info)
    	tell application "ChronoSync"
    		if theComp contains "laptop" then
    			open "~/archive/laptop to USB.sync"
    		else if theComp contains "home desktop" then
    			open "~/Documents/ChronoSync Documents/home <> USB.sync"
    		else if theComp contains "work desktop" then
    			open "~/archive/atu-childermas.sync"
    		else if theComp contains "another computer" then
    			open "~/ChronoSync Documents/another cs doc.sync"
    		end if
    		Trial Sync document 1
    	end tell


    Hi @dfay, I'm only just getting round to looking into this.  Haven't got too much time on my hands to dig around, hope you don't mind me asking for some pretty basic guidance? I'm a dumb dumb with applescript.


    So, I see there's a NSAppleScript action. Is that what I should be using?

    And do I drop it between the Keyword module and the Open File module, like so?




    And as to the script you shared, I'm trying to understand how the variables work.

    I guess in the first line you're creating theComp variable. But what's the part right after: "to computer name of (system info)" - should I be replacing that with anything or is that actual functional code that retrieves the machine's name?

    As for the rest of the code, it's pretty clear. I guess since it already contains the "open" function, I shouldn't need the Open File module?


    I know these are novice questions I could figure out by digging around, but figured I'd ask you first. Thanks a lot!!





  19. Hi there!

    I have a bunch of simple shortcuts to open specific Dropbox folders, which I'd like to use across both my macbook and macpro. I have my settings synced, which works great for most of my matching folders (i.e. ~/Library), however the Dropbox location on the macpro is in an internal drive (/Volumes/DB HD/Dropbox) so it doesn't match the path on my macbook (~/Dropbox).


    Is there a way to have conditional statement to trigger 1 of 2 provided paths, according to which machine is calling the workflow?



  20. Hi there. Fairly new to workflows and excited to join this community. I'm sorry if there's documentation out there - I just haven't found anything in the very little time I've had to research.

    I basically want to create a conditional action after I type "new" which then I can type either ["sheet" | "doc" | "slide"] which would then open the respective URL [http://sheets.new | http://docs.new | http://slides.new].


    I've tried using the List Filter, but I'm not sure how to pass the argument through to the url, or even if it's the right method.


    Any help or pointers to examples?


    Many thanks!

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