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Posts posted by stephancasas

  1. 4 hours ago, vitor said:

    Note that AppleScript has an Objective-C bridge too. The syntax can be tricky to get right, but it is there. It’s one way to make it support JSON.


    I wasn't aware this was still working, but that's good to know!

  2. 9 hours ago, jacobwtyler said:

    Holy crap.  That java script is magic.  You guys are amazing!  Thank you for sharing.  The other script in this thread that I said was working suddenly stopped working and was giving me an error about "group 1" so I came back here and gave this javascript a try.  It looks so complicated compared to the other one but worked perfectly!  Really cool stuff.  Wish I could make stuff like that.  


    I'm glad it it working well for you. JXA is very poorly documented by Apple and can be very confusing but, because it provides nearly direct access to the Obj-C runtime APIs, it is lightning-fast compared to traditional AppleScript. If you'd like to learn more about it, a great resource is the JXA Cookbook on GitHub. 

  3. Mouseless Messenger


    Mouseless Messenger offers you rapid keyboard-driven access to send and read conversations in the macOS Messages app via Alfred — all without ever interacting with the Messages app.


    Click Here to Download the Latest Release



    Before the workflow can be used, you'll need to provide Alfred with Full Disk Access privileges via System Preferences:

    1. Open System Preferences
    2. Choose Security and Privacy
    3. Choose Privacy
    4. Select Full Disk Access
    5. Unlock the 🔒 in the bottom left corner.
    6. Enable the checkbox for Alfred.
      • If unavailable, use the button to add Alfred.


    ⚠️ Privilege Escalation

    Full Disk Access is used to provide Alfred with access to the Messages database. However, by providing Alfred with this access, you are providing ALL Alfred workflow with access — not just Mouseless Messenger.


    Be sure you trust your installed workflows before allowing this.



    The workflow is triggered by the keyword msg. On run, you'll be provided with the your eight (8) most recent conversations in the Messages app.


    • To preview a message thread, press the SHIFT key while a conversation is selected. Press it again to dismiss the conversation preview.
    • To reply to a message thread, press the ENTER or RETURN key while a conversation is selected, then type your reply in the provided input space and press ENTER to send it.


    In order for the message to send, the Messages app must be running in the background. The window doesn't need to be in the foreground (or even visible), but the app itself must be running.


    Support the Workflow

    I built Mouseless Messenger because I code all day and don't like to take my hands off the keyboard. If you find it useful, please consider buying me a coffee so that I can keep building cool things like this.


    If you have a feature you'd like added, or an issue which needs attention, please open an issue on GitHub.





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