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Everything posted by yinan

  1. I did not notice the error, it worked on my machine. Thanks for pointing it out. I guess because if I have a brew installed python3, the Alfred environment will run python3 by default from brew path, which does not have this issue, but when I use /usr/bin/python3 github-star.py I got the same error as you did. I fixed it with the command you provided and tested it now. The updated version on GitHub should be working now with both brew python3 and system python3. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hi @vitor, Thanks! I've updated a new version of workflow in GitHub releases, it includes the `requests` library installed from the system python3 (`/usr/bin/python3`) and exported the PYTHONPATH.
  3. Thanks, but how do I set PYTHONPATH to the workflow directory? should I just put the following in script filter before running the python script, if dependency will be where I stored the library? Or should I add some configurations to get the current path in the python script? export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:./dependency/"
  4. Hi! @vitor Thanks for your comments! I've implemented those changes in a recent update. - Changed tag name - TTL set to minutes - maximum pages default set to empty, instead of -1, to fetch all pages - removed path configuration. - added dependency in Readme and About page Please take another look and welcome any more suggestions. Thanks.
  5. Hi there, I am submitting my recently created workflow to the Workflow gallery with details to be reviewed: - Say if you’re the author or submitting someone else’s workflow. I'm the author - Share a link to its thread on the Alfred Forum, if available. - Share a link to its main page (e.g. GitHub). https://github.com/yinan-c/alfred-github-star - If it has dependencies, say what those are unless they are explicit in the About or README. Runs a short python3 script, with no dependencies - Provide any data necessary for review, testing, and extra screenshots The workflow fetches data from api.github.com/users/{username}/starred with anonymous requests - Provide screenshots, unless valid ones are in the About or README.
  6. That's cool, Thanks for making this! I think it is very useful for running your workflows in Do Not Disturb mode when all notifications are muted.
  7. Thanks! I will make some changes to the workflow later this week and submit it to the Gallery!
  8. Hi there! I am a new user of Alfred, and I really appreciate the spirit of sharing in this community. So, I've created a new Alfred workflow that I'd love to share with you today! It allows you to list all your starred repositories in GitHub and search within them easily. The usage is quite simple. - Simply input `ghs {query}` and you'll see a list of your starred repositories in order of when they were added, with their names, number of stars, and descriptions. - Press "Enter" on a selected result to directly open the repository in your browser - "Command + Enter" to copy the URL to clipboard. - "Control + Enter" to copy the `git clone` command to clipboard. Here is a link to [Github Repo](https://github.com/yinan-c/alfred-github-star). This is my first time writing workflow, hope you like it.
  9. Hi there, how is it going with the trakt workflow? It would be great to see a workflow that works with trakt
  10. It would be good to have a small dot indicator for currently running apps underneath the search results. For example, if I search for mail app, if it is running, it would be better to have a dot beneath to show its running status. Like what macos have in the dock: Also, an option to turn the dot indicator on and off would be nice.
  11. In file search if I type an app name the app will show up. However I do wish to have an option to hide app results in file search, since app results are already in default search. App results will be a noise when searching files
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