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Carlos-Sz last won the day on December 8 2021

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  1. When I was a regular Vim user I was delighted to have the Edit With worklow to enable me to use it in other apps. I have been away from Vim for a while now and am just getting back.


    Edit With seems not to be working for me. It may be that I am not remembering how to use it. My recollection was that by typing in the Edit With hotkey while in another app Vim would be opened, I composed my text, then pasted back with the hotkey for that. 


    Alternatively Edit With is no longer working. I have Alfred 4.6.1 and macOS 11.6.2. Should it work?


    Thank you.

    1. Carlos-Sz




      Here is an updated version (4.1 beta): https://www.dropbox.com/s/lgh264b0e735ssp/editwith4_1_beta.alfredworkflow?dl=0


      Note BBCode was not updated.


      Best regards



    2. ericweir


      Thanks much, Carlos. I have been missing Vim. This will enable me to get back into the swing with it.


      You may know about this, it may not be relevant, but there is a pretty versatile porting of Vim to iOS. It's called iVim. Seems to have a good community of sophisticated users, though not very large. Available on the App Store. and here: https://github.com/terrychou/iVim

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