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Tyler Eich

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Posts posted by Tyler Eich

  1. You can use the built-in Web Search feature to load a website when you type in a keyword. For example, you could create an entry that opens 'https://www.facebook.com' when you type 'facebook'.


    More information on Web Search features in Alfred v2


    I don't know of any way to filter bookmarks by folder in Alfred's default interface. This may be possible for a workflow, but I don't know much about Safari's bookmark system…

  2. Hi


    If I load up the clipboard/snippet viewer it opens up and that's fine. At the top of the list I can open up a list of available snippets or I can click on one of the items in the list of clipboard items if I wish to. However, if I open the list of available snippets and then decide that I want to go back to the list of clipboard items instead how do I do that? I've tried all the keys I can think of to no avail and at the moment I have to press the esc key to close the pane and then toggle Alfred again. I'm sure there is another way of going back to the opening list that I have failed to find.






    You just blew my mind. As far as I know, there is no way to return to the original combined list of snippets and clipboard history once you choose "All Snippets".


    I do think this should be allowed. The key to do it should be 'Esc', just like the File Actions panel.

  3. This is driving me nuts. Sometime in the past I feel like I was able to drag and drop Workflow Objects (up and down) in Alfred, but it's eluding me. I've tried , , , in practically every combination + dragging, and up/down arrows.


    In the mean time I've taken to editing the info.plist files. Finding objects, then linking them via their uid (eg. 48A46073-4B6E-4C2E-AB2B-A18169383256) then editing their ypos is laborious.


    It's rare when I need it but sometimes I need it, eg. when adding multiple modifiers, connections start to overlap and can start becoming hard to click.


    Someone tell me there's a better way and I'm a big dummy for forgetting it. I beg you.


    Dragging and dropping is how you rearrange workflow objects. If it's not working for you, something is wrong on your system (I just checked; it works on my end)


    Are there any warnings or errors from Alfred in the Console.app?

  4. Hi Andrew,

    I've tried googling around for a layman explanation of GCMathParser's method of doing percentages but it doesn't seem very straightforward. =10%100 = 10 (ok this is easy!) =10%200 = 10 (hang on…) = 10%1000 = 10 (wtf?). I had come across the Percentage plugin and have been using that, which seems much more sensible in usage (to me anyway).


    The % operator means "remainder" in GCMathParser (and in many programming languages). So 7 % 3 = 1, because 7 divided by 3 is 2 *remainder 1*. 10 % 10 is actually 0, because 10 divides into 10 once with *no remainder*.

    Try typing "7 % 3" into Google; you should see the same result Alfred gives you.

    I might also note: few computer languages have an operator for percentages, just because its so simple to do with division (divide by 100, multiply by percentage)

    Hope this helps

  5. As far as I know, there are ways to do this. An instance of NSWindow can be placed in a layer higher than NSNormalWindowLevel (the default), like NSFloatingWindowLevel.


    The only hurdle is deciding which level to put the window on. There are higher levels than NSFloatingWindow, so other apps who have used these levels will be above Alfred.



  6. I think a {selection} token, used like {query}, would be a better solution. Internally, Alfred captures the selected text on opening and passes the text of the cached selection to instances of {selection}.

    Then the original clipboard should be preserved to prevent confusion for other apps that depend on the clipboard (like MenuClip). Alfred has had to deal with other apps that hijack the clipboard; it seems silly to do implement a similar behavior into Alfred himself…

    Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding the technical details


    I get this error on "Colors" v1.41 running Yosemite with alfred v2.5.1.

    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] Code 255: Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng() in /Users/lajlev/Dropbox/Privat/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5BD4F2BF-D506-464D-B683-03A0EBCC93C9/colors.php on line 123
    [ERROR: alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter] XML Parse Error 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 4.)'. Row 1, Col 1: 'Document is empty' in XML:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrompng() in /Users/lajlev/Dropbox/Privat/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.5BD4F2BF-D506-464D-B683-03A0EBCC93C9/colors.php on line 123


    Sorry, but v1.41 is not under active development, so any existing bugs will remain unfixed. If you'd like to update to the latest version, please download and reinstall the workflow from Packal :)


    The workflow is working well for me on Yosemite, except the color picker doesn't seem to copy the eyedropper selected colour to the clipboard (or copy anything to the clipboard)


    Thanks for pointing this out! It seems that OS X is taking focus away from the color picker after sampling the screen color. I've programmed the color picker to terminate when focus is lost, which causes this behavior. I'll see what I can do :)

  8. hsl(0, 0, 0) returns hsl(0, 0%, nan%) when it should return hsl(0, 0%, 0%).



    Actually, hsl(0, 0, .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) get the proper thing, but add just one more zero and you get the Nan! 


    Just so you know, I'm investigating this issue. For some ungodly reason, Colors isn't compiling at all with Xcode 6, so I'm having a rather difficult time debugging the code. I'll try to fix this (and a few other lingering bugs/annoyances) before too long!

  9. I did that, and as expected, the .Spotlight-V100 folder on the external drive was not touched by this process. It only indexed the main system drive, which is not where the problem lies. I know this because I enabled hidden files to be shown and watched what happened in the root directories of both drives once I started the rebuild process.


    My file search results still include the contents of iPhoto Library packages. This isn't a Spotlight issue, this is something else relating to these iPhoto Library packages on the external drive. The current remedy is to manually add the package contents to the Spotlight privacy exclusion list. It's a hack, but it works.



    You might try using a workflow I made to reindex your external drives:



    Open Alfred, type "force reindex ", then choose the drive that's giving you problems. Once you hit enter, AppleScript will ask for your administrator password. It will then execute the following commands (used by Andrew and found originally at SkillZ Design, before Alfred's handy "Rebuild OS X Metadata" button appeared) :

    sudo rm -R /Volumes/{Drive Name}/.Spotlight-V100
    sudo mdutil -i on /Volumes/{Drive Name}/
    sudo mdutil -E /Volumes/{Drive Name}/

    This will delete the existing metadata index on the drive and force mdutil (Spotlight's backend) to rebuild the metadata.


    Note that reindexing can take a significant amount of CPU power and several hours.

  10. I just tested this with my Colors workflow. I attached a hotkey to one of the script filters (any of them will do; they all use the same argument settings). On pressing the hotkey, the default result ('OS X Color Panel') appears until input is given. This result is only available once the backend codebase is run.


    TL;DR: I'm not able to replicate this issue.


    Alfred 2 v2.5 (295) on Mac OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)

  11. Tyler,

    This helpful little guy broken in v2.4:277. Now you can set the blur under Appearance->Options, and the problem is that, at least when syncing is set to true, the preference is stored in a different plist, namely:

    The workflow could easily be fixed by checking to see if the new environmental variables (+=2.4:277) are set, and, if so, constructing the path from those to set it in the correct plist.

    I'm undecided about maintaining this workflow. Since v2.4 added a slider for blur, the functionality here is no longer needed. If Alfred has an official way of implementing a feature, I don't like to hack his internal preferences myself.

  12. Hi Tyler,


    Your Workflow is splendid!


    I still have one question, could you help? When hitting ⌘, the pasted data into Growl includes more informations than the one pasted in the clipboard with ⌥ (I get only the main line displayed in Alfred).


    Is there any way to paste the result we get in Growl into the clipboard?  :)


    (Maybe with another shortcut or by changing the ⌥ behavior)


    Thank you very much!




    Sure, you can edit the workflow to do this without much work on my end :)


    Basically, you're going to find the connection between a Run Script object and a Growl output. When you find this connection, simply add another connection between that Run Script object and a Copy to Clipboard output.


    On my end, the screenshot below does what I described above. If you don't want the Growl notification, simply delete the Growl object from the workflow ;)


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