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Everything posted by rhyd

  1. Ok, spotted the problem. The workflow is using the wrong location to find the database because you're using an out of date version of the workflow. Can you download and install v2.1.2? I should've spotted that earlier 🤦‍♂️... Download v2.1.2 Cheers, Rhyd
  2. No worries. Can you: 1) open the folder below in the Finder (open a Finder window, press ⌘-⇧-G and paste the location below into the "Go to the folder" dialog) /Users/rlow/Library/Containers/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus3/Data/Library/Application Support/ 2) open the OmniFocus Caches folder and check if you can see a file called OmniFocusDatabase?
  3. Hi @rlow, thanks for getting in touch. To solve this, I'll need to know where your OF database actually is (or if it's in the expected place but the workflow doesn't have permission to access it). Can you: 1. Open Terminal.app and run this command: find ~/Library/ -name "OmniFocusDatabase" 2>&1 | grep -v "not permitted" 2. Copy and paste the result here Thanks, Rhyd
  4. @paulf can you post your Alfred log when you use the .d search option please? It'll help me work out what's up (especially if the other options are working). Info on how to do this: Show Alfred preferences (keyword 'alf') Click 'Workflows' in the tool bar Choose 'Search Omnifocus' from the list of workflows on the left Click on the 'Debug' to toggle debugging mode (see Alfred's help page for more info) Choose 'All information' from the Log dropdown Open Alfred and type .d Copy the debug output and attach it/post it as a response - I'll take a look.
  5. @evanfuchs v2.0.6 should solve this issue https://github.com/rhydlewis/search-omnifocus/releases/tag/v2.0.6
  6. @evanfuchs yeah, that's a bug related to the change in column names in OF3. I'll get a fix out as soon as I can.
  7. Hi - not seen any reports of this issue elsewhere. Which version of OmniFocus 3 are you using? Latest release is v3.3.2
  8. Hi, not currently. The workflow assumes that all tasks in the inbox are processed into projects before completion.
  9. Hi, What version of OmniFocus are you using? By default, the workflow assumes you're using version 2 but, if you're using 3, you can switch by typing the Alfred keyword `use-of-3`. Let me know if that solves it, otherwise please share your Alfred workflow log by following these steps: Show Alfred preferences (keyword 'alf') Click 'Workflows' in the tool bar Choose 'Search Omnifocus' from the list of workflows on the left Click on the 'Debug' to toggle debugging mode (see Alfred's help page for more info) Choose 'All information' from the Log dropdown Open Alfred and type the query that's not working Copy the debug output and post it as a response - I'll take a look. Cheers, Rhyd
  10. Hi, What version of OmniFocus are you using? By default, the workflow assumes you're using version 2 but, if you're using 3, you can switch by typing the Alfred keyword `use-of-3`. Let me know if that solves it, otherwise please share your Alfred workflow log by following these steps: Show Alfred preferences (keyword 'alf') Click 'Workflows' in the tool bar Choose 'Search Omnifocus' from the list of workflows on the left Click on the 'Debug' to toggle debugging mode (see Alfred's help page for more info) Choose 'All information' from the Log dropdown Open Alfred and type the query that's not working Copy the debug output and post it as a response - I'll take a look. Cheers, Rhyd
  11. No worries, thanks for the feedback. I've updated the workflow so that you can list tasks in the inbox using the keyword: .li Let me know how you get on. Cheers, Rhyd
  12. Hi, Are you using OmniFocus v2 or v3? Can you send/attach your workflow log so I can investigate pls? To send these logs: Open Alfred preferences (keyword 'alf') Click 'Workflows' in the tool bar Choose 'Search Omnifocus' from the list of workflows on the left Click on the 'Debug' to toggle debugging mode (see Alfred's help page for more info) Choose 'All information' from the Log dropdown Open Alfred and type the query that's not working Copy the debug output and post it as a response - I'll take a look. Cheers, Rhyd
  13. My bad - thanks @deanishe. The AppleScript I added a while ago was out of date. Thanks for sorting this!
  14. Steps to reproduce: Open Alfred Preferences, Workflows Right click on a workflow shown in the left hand list Choose Open in Terminal, nothing happens. Alfred 3.7: Build 938, Thursday 13th September 2018 macOS 10.13.1 (17B1002) MacBook Pro 15-inch, 2016 iTerm2 is default terminal. Opening Terminal.app and retrying steps above doesn't make a difference.
  15. Hello David (@jdfwarrior), I'd be interested to see how you've chained 2 script filters together. I'm struggling to work this out so if you're able to repost your workflow that would be great. Thanks, Rhyd https://github.com/rhydlewis/search-omnifocus
  16. Hi - grabbing the link's pretty easy: Open Alfred, type 'alf' and choose 'Show Alfred Preferences' Choose Workflows and search for Search Omnifocus In the workflow area, right click and choose Outputs > Copy to Clipboard In the Copy to Clipboard popup, leave the text {query} as is and hit Save Drag a link from the Open URL actions to Copy to Clipboard Done Hope that helps. Cheers
  17. So I took @deanishe's good advice and updated the workflow to use an AppleScript call to find the OmniFocus resources directory if the app isn't installed in the default location. Thanks for everyone's feedback - much appreciated.
  18. Hi Blake - thanks for the feedback and glad you like workflow! Currently, the workflow looks for icons in these Omnifocus locations: /Applications/OmniFocus.app/ /Applications/OmniFocus.localized/OmniFocus.app/ I'd be interested to know where you put Omnifocus originally? Cheers, Rhyd
  19. @Vítor, good point. I'll try another, similar workflow to see if I see the same thing.
  20. @boysbytes. Odd. Can you do the following: Open Alfred Preferences Choose Workflows and choose Search Omnifocus in the workflow list Toggle debugging mode on (press the bug icon beneath the Help button on the right hand side) Choose "All information" in the Log dropdown list Run the Search Omnifocus workflow (.s) and you should see lines of text appear in the blank space beneath the workflow Press Copy and send me a message via my profile page with the results (don't post the results here) and I'll look into it.
  21. @cands, thanks. I'll look into the character issue and get back to you.
  22. What is this? This is a workflow that allows you to run free text searches against your OmniFocus data. Why would I need this? Well, it's difficult to quickly search for, say, a task using OmniFocus' own search box since OmniFocus restricts the results to the current perspective or selection. Other people have noticed this too. Where can I get it? From Packal or GitHub. How do I use it? The README has full instructions but, here's a starter for 10. Search for all tasks within OmniFocus (irrespective of status) with .s
  23. Background I use a workflow to search Omnifocus data direct from Alfred. This is a Python script using deanishe's alfred-workflow. This works well but I've spotted an odd edge case: * invoke the workflow and pass it a single character query (e.g. .s e) * nothing happens other than alfred creating a python process which is left stale * no output shown in alfred workflow debugger * providing a longer query does work Is this a known issue or expected behaviour? Details Alfred version & build number: v2.7.1 (387) OS X version: 10.9.4 Reproducible: Yes, here's a video demonstrating the problem. Script Filter settings Steps to reproduce Assumption: you have Omnifocus installed. Install v1.1.2 of the workflow Invoke the workflow '.s' with query 'e' Results: Alfred debugger will show no output Stale python process shown when running ps aux | grep python
  24. I was *just* about to start work on a random number generator for Alfred and then found your post :-). Excellent stuff - thanks.
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