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Everything posted by FroZen_X

  1. Try this one, should work again: https://dropfile.to/YlSoo
  2. I'm reproducing atm the Problem as this also occurs in deanishe's version. The bash has a fault in it. i=1 has to be $i=1 if im right and then the $i++ somehow has a syntax error which im checking on atm Edit: the i=1 is right lol silly me....you have to change the $i++ to i++ there is the mistake. Its for numbering the different screenshots.
  3. wait it worked for a moment and now somehow not again.....what is this. Sorry my mistake this is so weird.
  4. Ok so, reinstalling and adding a version file into the workflow folder makes it work. But brings out another error: [ERROR: alfred.workflow.action.script] /bin/bash: line 4: ((: 1++: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "+") Edit: Likes this Here is the file if there is any problem: https://dropfile.to/8pUc5
  5. ahhhh i now i could recreate it....its when you cut out a image instead of using space to screen a app or so.
  6. I just tried it out by creating one of you folders. It works perfectly fine by me being on el capitan 10.11.4 too. Try to delete the workflow and readd it. Have to say that i used the "screen" keyword. Ok also works with the set keyword, which makes sense so idk mmhh
  7. It would help more if you could export the workflow and share it as i dont have the changes that are made after you got deanishe's version.
  8. Overwriting shouldn't be a problem as there will be just a number added after the screenshot name. Did the problem appear after you added the folders ?
  9. I just downloaded the workflow given here: It works just fine, did you try to reinstall your workflow else ? Maybe you did some other changes?
  10. I guess this would help you: https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-workflow/issues/64 The question was asked before and answered by deanishe
  11. It usually picks up everything doesn't it oO I use Alfred Remote for: - waking and unlock my Mac in the morning -> sending to sleep from my bed in the evening - Control main volume and Skype volume, mute in Skype, Send links in Skype or messages mainly to my fiancée(also used with keywords) - Control Soundcloud in Chrome and Spotify(depends what im listening to atm) - Set screensaver when i leave for a moment and unlock when I'm back - When i was doing my bachelor work i made a page to switch quick between important apps, control music, mute skype and search evernote quickly - Folders i use barely as its quicker to just type, but for some time i set up a shortcut to files in Parallels windows - I have a set of websites I browse frequently or usually check quick, so on the site is also a Command+W shortcut to close them directly. Its just a tab check tab close - Another site is for Youtubers i follow to quickly get to their video pages lol and then close again Other than that i use a bunch of other things via keywords and some hotkeys in Alfred
  12. That sounds pretty cool! I'm curios what we will see with v3 In addition to deanishe's question would i like to know, if this includes different icons or only one?
  13. Its already on packal i found it a while ago. Here you go: http://www.packal.org/theme/tomorrow-night-eighties
  14. I added icons now this is freaking awesome! Thanks again to deanishe
  15. Gonna get Textmate now as this is annoying, thanks for suggesting. Thank you very much for your help, the tutorial is really good I just struggled sometimes in python cause of the whitespaces yeah. I've rarely done anything in Python. I'm gonna add some of what you've just send i guess and will look into icons as adding champion Icons would be cool haha Edit: I changed my posts now, so its readable thanks
  16. I just got it to work like this: # encoding: utf-8 import sys from workflow import Workflow, ICON_WEB, web inputfile = open('testnames.txt') def main(wf): if len(wf.args): query = wf.args[0] else: query = None if query: buffer = wf.filter(query, inputfile) for line in buffer: wf.add_item(title=line,arg=line.rstrip(),valid=True) # Send the results to Alfred as XML wf.send_feedback() if __name__ == u"__main__": wf = Workflow() sys.exit(wf.run(main))
  17. Got a step further. I can now read out of a text file like this: # encoding: utf-8 import sys from workflow import Workflow, ICON_WEB, web inputfile = open('testnames.txt') def main(wf): for line in inputfile: wf.add_item(title=line,arg=line.rstrip(),valid=True) # Send the results to Alfred as XML wf.send_feedback() if __name__ == u"__main__": wf = Workflow() sys.exit(wf.run(main)) The text file looks like this: Aatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu The combination with a URL works too. I just need to know now how to filter oO as it shows me everything at once whatever i type :/ Thank you very much so far
  18. Ok so via this: # encoding: utf-8 import sys from workflow import Workflow, ICON_WEB, web def main(wf): wf.add_item(title=u'Aatrox',arg='Aatrox',valid=True,) # Send the results to Alfred as XML wf.send_feedback() if __name__ == u"__main__": wf = Workflow() sys.exit(wf.run(main)) i can add my champions and set an action to it for the URL. Now is there a way to parse easy from a textfile as looping through wf.add_item is way better. Having for every champ a wf.add_item would be impossible to overlook lol Edit: Just saw that filtering would be good too like you said. Thought it already did that but i was wrong. And do you know why the normal textedit changes "'" all the time to "’" -.- it produces a fault for python....
  19. I just checked the tutorial out for a moment gonna look into it more tomorrow. I guess you can add items via: wf.add_item(title=post['description'], subtitle=post['href'], icon=ICON_WEB) and then return via: wf.send_feedback() From there on actions can be taken like fill and send the query to a URL. The list would look something like this: Aatrox;Ahri;Akali;Alistar;Amumu etc. Like in the Pinboard tutorial listed under each other. Is there a way i can parse through a external list like a txt file ? Then using a for loop like in the Pinboard workflow would do that job i guess ?
  20. Yes i want alfred to show/autocomplete. I could make the list myself and it would be hardcoded yeah(the list doesn't change often). If you could show me how, then i could do the rest myself as i want to learn Running scripts and everything is no problem, just this damn show/autocomplete. And ah ok xD didn't know that.
  21. Well, its basically for League of Legends, but i wanna use it for other stuff too. Currently i have a workflow for the website champion.gg. Its just another query search on the website like this: http://champion.gg/champion/{query} I have the Problem that i have to type the full champion name over and over. It would be more convenient to simply show a fixed champion list of which i can choose or it autocompletes via "tab". Und woher weißt du das ich deutscher bin ^^ Denk mal, da meine Beschreibung schlecht war. Englisch ist aber besser, damit auch andere davon profitieren können.
  22. Hey, is there an easy way to make a suggestion list in Alfred. Like for a query i would like to make a autofill of a fixed list used for a URL search. For instance: "test " would show you a list of suggestions to fill in to use for a custom search on a website. Maybe someone knows a easy way, thanks. Cheers, Frozen
  23. This is my usage statistic on regular basis. Goes up when i have to work on stuff and so http://imgur.com/JUQe44L
  24. How could i be so silly lol. Was thinking about my own problems related to some other connection issues Port wise. It could be that Alfred Remote Server isn't in the Firewall list, to let incoming connections go through. To check that open System Preferences->Security&Privacy->Firewall->Firewall Options(has to be unlocked by the lock at the bottom left) There check if you see Alfred Remote Server and if incoming connections is green. Should look like this:
  25. The pinging is just so that you know that your mac sees and can connect to your iPhone or iPad. When pinging works and the server is running then i assume that your router might be blocking the port. You can go to your Router settings via typing into your browser "" in your case. That should bring you to your Routers login page. There you have to login and check where ports are handled. If you don't know the password then take a look at the backside of your router. The password should usually stay there unless you changed it before at some point. Other than that you can check for your router online. What ports are open from the start on and try changing Alfred Remote Server Port. Other question would be how you try to connect to your device like the steps ? Else you can also take a look here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/remote/ Maybe some of these steps help you
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