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Everything posted by FroZen_X

  1. I use hazel to organize files that get saved in my downloads folder, desktop etc. There is no easy way of what i know tho. In Alfred 3 i know that the clipboard will have images too, so lets see what that will bring. Keep in mind that you can also search with Alfred for files and then drag and drop out of Alfred. You don't have to extra open finder.
  2. Andrew were saying something to this on twitter here: https://twitter.com/preppeller/status/719092785517830144 Should get something by the end of this month, which you can also see here: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/
  3. This Problem has been brought up before. Maybe this here helps you figuring out: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3391-find-workflow-folder-with-applescript/ Other than that you can run a little script that retrieves you the directory, which would be better but stil meh.
  4. This has been asked a few days ago here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8682-screenshot-to-folder-tagger/page-3 Deanishe gave a pretty good answer to that on the following page: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/8682-screenshot-to-folder-tagger/page-4 which hopefully helps you
  5. Just a tip aside, you can also just use Cmd + C when you're in the clipboard history to save the selected Clip in your Clipboard. I do that usually when i don't want Alfred to push it to the app directly. After that you can just Cmd + V
  6. Alfred should on itself show up on any desktop mmhh Did you try to change your hotkey for Alfred as command + space is usually for spotlight. Other than that turn under Appearance -> Options -> Focusing to Standard Mode. Other than that would be good to give a better description of what you do and also of your settings as i don't have any problems. What Vero will ask you i guess is to fill in your Powerpack Email in your Profile Settings, if you haven't done yet. Only Admins can see it.
  7. If its just about having the previous query back, then you can also change your settings. Under Advanced -> History -> Activate "Show latest history if within 5 minutes" I got the tip from Vero a little while ago: https://twitter.com/alfredapp/status/711159248017858562
  8. Aside of this, what mail client do you prefer Deanishe ? I was looking for a alternative for apple mail, which would be great and therefore testing Airmail atm.
  9. I didn't know that, so thanks for pointing that out I changed the workflow and uploaded it again.
  10. I made you one Workflow that creates a New Blank Mail here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9h4ewrhsbyqsiv/Create%20New%20Blank%20Mail.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Could change preferences for it, but i guess this is what you wanted. In case the link would die, here is the Applescript: tell application "Mail" make new outgoing message end tell To add preference it has to be like this: tell application "Mail" make new outgoing message with properties {visible:true, subject:"My Subject", content:"My Body"} end tell Found it here: http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.21/21.09/ScriptingMail/index.html If you want you could also do this with a query to define directly your Subject, Content etc. Hope this helps you
  11. If your workflow is not doing anything with the arguments, then you can also set it to no argument required for a quicker way of executing. You're welcome
  12. Well what is your workflow doing. Alfred executes your Workflow and if nothing else is being done or you have a bug it usually falls back to google search etc. Best would be if you could share what you want to or what script you're running.
  13. I have some problems with my DNS lately so this could help hopefully tyvm for sharing
  14. Like Andrew said don't be disrespectful...Alfred is a really powerful and wonderful app and the Alfred team plus people on this Forum are happy to help. You hast have to be nice like other people. Treat others the way you want to be treated. In addition to that google and check the forum before making a post. You can also check Alfreds help where a lot of things are explained. Another thing is that Andrew is definitely not lazy. I don't know if you have ever written any kind of software, but i can assure you making something robust the way Alfred is and so clean is not just done in a few minutes. So now your problems. Andrew pointed out how you can fix your application problem. The reason why you get different suggestions is cause of the use you have for those. When you call an app more often, its going to end up higher in the list. Youtube gets usually opened in your default browser but can be easily changes. For youtube searches and so on i can suggest this workflow here: http://www.packal.org/workflow/searchio Other than that Alfred can be used for almost everything, just check out packal.org and you can check out most of the workflows available. I use it more than 80 times a day and at projects over 250 times so guess that speaks for itself. Cheers, FroZen
  15. In addition to that you can right click on the workflow and show it in finder. In the Packal folder is a file called "package.xml", where the Version number is saved. Its not a convenient way of checking but yeah Other than that you can just call "Packal Updater" and check what updates are available like deanishe said.
  16. You can also use Dropbox to sync which saves all your settings and workflows. That has been the easiest way for me
  17. Nothing to do with the auto complete, but what i usually do is to use the clipboard. If it is within in 3 months you can simply pop the clipboard make a quick 3 character search copy and paste into Alfred again. Just a tip tho, with the rest does Vero or Andrew have to help you. Maybe it comes out in Alfred v3
  18. Sure, here is the Workflow: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mzo0525tj8w0y2b/Take%20and%20Move%20Screenshots.alfredworkflow?dl=0 To change the shown folders where you can save the screenshots you have to go to the Workflow folder and open "folders.py". There you can change this part to what you desire: FOLDERS = [ '~/Downloads/Images/', '~/Downloads/Images/Unsorted', '~/Downloads/Images/Apple', '~/Downloads/Images/Beatles', '~/Downloads/Images/Beautiful', '~/Downloads/Images/Blur', '~/Downloads/Images/Cartoons', '~/Downloads/Images/Comments', '~/Downloads/Images/Creepy', '~/Downloads/Images/Delete in three days', '~/Downloads/Images/Design', '~/Downloads/Images/Follow Up', '~/Downloads/Images/Funny', '~/Downloads/Images/I did this', '~/Downloads/Images/Interesting', '~/Downloads/Images/Luminaries', '~/Downloads/Images/Material', '~/Downloads/Images/Movies', '~/Downloads/Images/Nostalgia', '~/Downloads/Images/Products', '~/Downloads/Images/Quotations', '~/Downloads/Images/Random', '~/Downloads/Images/Veitch', '~/Downloads/Images/Words', '~/Downloads/Images/YoShirt', ] You'll be able to do more in Alfred v3 without having to script anything. Other than that you can do a lot by looking at tutorials from deanishe like here: http://www.deanishe.net/alfred-workflow/tutorial_1.html#adding-a-script-filter Knowing a programming language before you want to code anything in Alfred is a huge plus. Like i don't know much of Python scripting but i know C, C++, C# etc. which helps a lot to understand whats going on. Together with a little piece of code and the help of Sir Google you can quickly make something your own. If you have then any other Problems then you can always ask here
  19. nono, it was a workflow from Simon Støvring (@simonbs) that stopped working a while ago. Didn't know that serchio can do this so im happy that it can awesome work!
  20. Just as i wrote this i checked out searchio again....man the youtube search i missed for a long time is back for me yaaaaaay good job!!!
  21. I can kind of reproduce the behaviour when i start an app that takes longer to open and open Alfred then. When the App opened it pulls focus and Alfred closes. This happens when Alfred is set to Compatibility Mode under -> Alfred Preferences -> Appearance -> Options -> Focusing Change this to "Standard Mode" and check if you still have the problem.
  22. ummm you just have to select it and then press tab oO then it autocompletes for me Use the arrow keys to do so.
  23. Is this what you're looking for? activate application "Preview" tell application "System Events" tell process "Preview" tell window 1 set value of text field 1 of group 3 of tool bar 1 to "testsearch" end tell end tell end tell Edit: Just saw you also want to jump to the page. This puts the search term into the search field, gotta check how the rest is done. Edit2: Found another way which was posted here: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2522-search-in-pdf-files/ tell application "Preview" activate tell application "System Events" tell process "Preview" click menu item "Find…" of menu "Find" of menu item "Find" of menu "Edit" of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1 keystroke "{query}" end tell end tell end tell
  24. You're welcome hope this fixed all, if anything else is then just let us know.
  25. Forgot to add your old folders here the version with the folders added: https://dropfile.to/3Zvu5 The counter was wrong and somehow the version checking was giving another fault out, but the counter was the main problem. Like it could make a screenshot and a screenshot 1 but never 2,3,4 etc. Idk why it didn't just overwrite them as i thought it would. Could be that it doesnt have the rights no clue
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