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Everything posted by Maddog

  1. You're very logical Yeah, I'll do it next time, although the problem isn't actually pasting into Java apps, it's something interfering with Alfred. Also I'll remember to look in the menubar next time because I think part of the problem is Alfred not activating the active application (at least that's what I associate that error sound with, trying to paste somewhere without activating a text field)
  2. @deanishe - I don't have that red text. (also I already restarted so the problem is not currently occurring) I realized I forgot to say I'm still on El Capitan (10.11.6)
  3. Hey so this is not a biggie because it happens rarely and fixes itself after restart of Alfred, but I thought I'd report it anyway. When trying to paste from the clipboard history, the computer makes an error sound and doesn't paste (although the content does end up in regular clipboard and I can paste it myself). Once it starts happening, it happens in all programs. I noticed a trend - I think it happens on days when I get an update popup from java and dismiss it. Is this a known issue? I tried searching and couldn't find similar reports. OSX ver: 10.11.6 (El Cap)
  4. So exclude doesn't work with depth? Not all my repos are directly under ~/Code, some are deeper, is there a way to include them in the search but exclude node_modules?
  5. @deanishe I can't make exclude work, I tried these with and without an asterisk: "global_exclude_patterns": [ "node_modules/*" ], and "search_dirs": [ { "depth": 5, "name_for_parent": 1, "path": "~/Code" "excludes": [ "node_modules/*" ] } ] I see one repo (a library I'm working on) showing up 4 times in the results, once for the original location and 3 times inside other projects /node_modules/ folders. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
  6. @deanishe Have you considered adding fuzzy matching to this workflow one day?
  7. 1) It lists the tabs/panes, but Enter does not activate iTerm for me. Debug says this: action-tty.js:1:36: script error: Error on line 2: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '='. Expected a ')' or a ',' after a parameter declaration. (-2700) iTerm2 (Build 3.1.20170905-nightly) Alfred3 (latest) OSX 10.11.6 2) Also, see attached screenshot, any idea why it doesn't fill the available space? Almost every entry is cut off (oh actually in most only the path is cut-off, but I would prefer to see it, or part of it, if there's space). 3) See that npm (node) line in the screenshot? Is it possible for it to be searchable by the working directory it's running from? Thanks
  8. I'm wondering if there's a way to delay the built-in sleep/sleepdisplays commands? Or maybe someone knows a workflow that can schedule sleep? Thanks
  9. Still same problem. I even restarted Alfred in case it was cached. Shows 2.1.2 under Alfred preferences, but when I call "repos", I still see "Version v2.1.1 is available" as one of the items in the list.
  10. I can't get rid of the new version line, it says 2.1.1 is available, I tried hitting enter on that line but nothing happened (also nothing happens in debugger at the point of clicking) I tried updating from github releases, but still showing that line.
  11. I recently found the Cmd+S shortcut to create snippets from the clipboard viewer. It brings up the alfred snippets settings and pre-populates the snippet text. Obviously, I appreciate being able to do that at all, but I would love to have a faster way of doing it. The clipboard history is one of my favorite features, but sometimes I feel like I'm misusing it a little bit and should be using snippets more. But I don't love the experience. My idea is holding pressing Cmd+Enter to quickly add the paste to a special snippet collection (activate a little star next to it?). I also always wanted my clipboard manager to be able to quickly paste something without looking at the history. I have created hotkeys for {clipboard:1}, {clipboard:2}, etc but I never use them because I never can calculate the correct index of the thing I want to paste when doing intensive copy-paste work. Being able to assign a key quickly from the list and see it in the list would be awesome. Thanks
  12. If you were next to me, I'd be pointing at your icons and asking "what does that do?" about each one. I never had as many mac apps as you have icons... lol You're right, I have a tiny 15" screen and can fit maybe 2-3 words right now with most apps, but I just compared it visually, my IDE which is the longest textual menu example I have, is double in width than what safari has, so if I had as many menu icons as you, I would still not have room for (a lot of) freeform text in there.
  13. I always wanted a way to quickly use the history items in the clipboard history, I remember seeing that {clipboard:#} is now supported in snippets, I'm wondering if there's any way now to assign a hotkey to either individual snippets or the indexed clipboard. Thanks
  14. I had the same thought, how cool would it be to have custom text in the menubar, but I have CPU meters and stuff there, leaves no room for freeform text in there. That's why I opened this question in AskDifferent, asking if anyone knows how to hide the textual menu part, so I could have room for custom text AND other cool things from bitbar.
  15. @dfay - this brings up the switcher and closes it a bit later, I wanted it to stay up
  16. This is not really alfred specific, I'm looking for a way to show the mac application switcher and keep it on the screen for navigation with the arrow keys. (like what happens when pressing cmd+tab, then holding cmd down) Is this possible?
  17. Tried to create a new excel workflow, I typed isyn and it found my excel file in the documents folder, I gave it a name, then this error came up: [ERROR: action.script] Building workflow "tasks" in /Users/user/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-3/Workflow Data/net.deanishe.alfred-i-sheet-you-not ... building workflow 'tasks' version 0.1.2 ... Copying workflow contents to build/ ... Cleaning info.plist ... Set bundle ID: net.deanishe.alfred-i-sheet-you-not.pz7D0vGFosaiTVlXrzGDLB0P3XGNSMcSut8FfS0n Set workflow name: tasks Set DOC_PATH: /Users/user/Documents/my-excel.xlsx Delete: Entry, ":variables:DEV", Does Not Exist Deleting build directory ... Error updating info.plist
  18. Yes, just found it, I was using osascript instead of applescript in the search and couldn't find anything. tell application "System Events" to tell process "Notification Center" click last item of windows end tell This works, Thanks!
  19. I don't even know if it's possible, when a random OSX notification is showing, is there a way to trigger a click on it? I'd love to have a hotkey to click on notifications without moving the mouse. Thanks
  20. 1. Panes support seems to work great. 2. I actually meant spaces and not desktops, can that work? Another small bug report - the names get cut off (with a nice ellipsis prefix, so it seems like a feature) while occupying only about 30% of the available space. EDIT: Also, personally I run a lot of the same commands (so I have like 3-4 sessions running called "npm (node)" and 3-4 sessions called "bundle"). Making them searchable by their working dir/arguments and not just the command itself would be really nice.
  21. Thanks, it seems better now 2 new questions: 1. can it support panes? I'm using a lot of split panes everywhere 2. can it switch desktops if the iTerm window is on another desktop? Is that even possible to detect?
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