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Everything posted by Maddog

  1. I just discovered that the shift key is supported in many url-oriented workflows for previews. like this movie and tv search (if you hit shift while having a movie selected it shows the movie poster and description) Since the HTML is there, would be really nice if in addition to the "CMD to open in browser" it could support "shift to preview".
  2. I have iTerm2 version 2.9, not sure if it's supposed to work or not (the packal link says iterm3). See http://i.imgur.com/mXFjW2I.png It shows a correct number of tabs/windows, but I only have that "bundle" command running in one of the tabs. Should it work with both open directory-locations and running programs?
  3. Many months later, this has also become my most used workflow, I run "update repos" the second I run "git init". Really love it. However, funnily, without fail I always forget the hit modifier keys and open projects in the wrong IDE. When I need console or finder, I always remember, but the multiple IDEs are merged in my mind
  4. is there a way to make google go to the "I'm feeling lucky" result when I hold CMD?
  5. 1. I'm an applescript noob - is it possible to pass arguments from this workflow to an applescript? 2. Is it possible to run a specific script with hotkey? I've tried adding a hotkey and a script name parameter, but alfred still shows up and I still have to press enter, would be really cool if the script could run without showing alfred.
  6. Just got the Alfred 2.8 update. I see javascript as an option for scripting, but when I try to debug a simple script, this is what I get in the debug: [alfred.workflow.action.script] osascript: no such component "JavaScript". Also, searching for "javascript" doesn't work in the forums, it gets filtered out, probably due to XSS concerns. Thanks for any guidance. My OSX version is 10.9.5. EDIT: oops, missed the fact that it's for 10.10+ How do I delete this thread?
  7. I think it's ok to just have it as part of the update process, read the directories and custom editor assignments.
  8. Oops, my fault, I have read on other pages that the git editor is for entering interactive commands, but seeing IDEs on that github page made me think it's for general use as well. Then definitely, your method is way better.
  9. I'm just suggesting making it possible via the config, like instead of assigning a specific program, the user would use a special keyword in the config like "$defaultEditor".
  10. so it seems like a concept of "default editor" exists in git - https://help.github.com/articles/associating-text-editors-with-git/ Would be really nice instead of remembering the correct button, if it could just open the correct editor for the project. I have projects in multiple languages and would be nice to be able to just hit enter instead of remembering the correct editor button. Just a thought.
  11. The actual problem is a bug with iterm (described below in more detail), so I don't really think you can fix it from outside. But FWIW, here's how I setup the "quake window" feature. I have a special profile called "hotkey window" which is configured in the bottom left corner of the screenshot. In the profile setting, it's configured to show up at "top of screen". That's the entire story I use the ~ (tilda) button to show/hide it. The thing is, it's a little buggy (I opened a bug in iterm), when I toggle it off with the hotkey, it's impossible to use cmd+tab to get back to the window. A similar problem happens here, where if it's hidden with the hotkey, it probably cannot be detected so it opens a new iterm window. Note that when it happened to me, I only had the "hotkey window" open, no other iterm windows.
  12. I just love this workflow and it's my favorite timesaver. I'd love to see these features, don't know how feasible the second one is. 1. Fuzzy match, some menus are long with lots of similar options, would love to type `clpr` instead of `close pr` to close a project. 2. In sake of laziness, I wonder how possible it is to be able to assign a hotkey to a menu option in a specific app through alfred. Alfred doesn't read/display some correctly and I'm too lazy to go into the menu to try to remember the actual shortcut. Thanks!
  13. I'm having the same problem with webstorm. I don't really understand if a fix is already out or not. I tried the fix suggested in the ticket (changing idea.properties file) and it worked, alfred's clipboard history works again. (Some people say it makes the IDE freeze, but it happened to me before anyway - I'm killing my IDE every few days anyway)
  14. It's weird the script can't ignore the stderr. I mean it's not like find itself crashes, just raises one stderr. I know it's my fault, don't know why I keep bugging you Thanks for your help, I'll fix it on my end, maybe my unit test could create that directory (probably makes more sense anyway). EDIT: Now that it's working, I'm loving it so much!
  15. isn't excludes used after the find command? I tried that. I have unit tests that refer to that directory, kinda hard to change the permissions becase the tests would start failing
  16. Ha! Insight! I have one directory that is non-accessible to find due to permissions. Could that be it? How can the script ignore that error?
  17. My username only contains letters. I tried running the command from the terminal, with "env -i", like you said and it worked. I don't think I've replaced any core command line utils. I want to stress the point that it worked once and gave me a list of repos with depth:2.
  18. Weird story - I installed and depth wasn't deep enough, so I changed it and the update command didn't work, so I removed all the cache files (cpickle?) and now I'm getting this error and nothing works: workflow.py:1978 ERROR Command '[u'find', u'-L', u'/Users/user/Code/', u'-name', u'.git', u'-maxdepth', '5']' returned non-zero exit status 1 When I run the same command from the terminal it works. Any suggestions? I tried reinstalling the workflow.
  19. @stuartcryan - I'm on the bleeding edge of iTerm I think (Build 2.9.20150812-nightly) As for the new feature - would it be like a boolean you configure at the top of the script? Or actually a different script? I want to understand what "all or nothing" means, I don't mind if it's not configurable in a UI, but would love a way to be able to quickly change it in the custom script code. Also, this is funny, but I'm actually experiencing different results whether I'm cmd+tabbing away from that hotkey window or if I'm hiding it with the hotkey itself (I get a new tab in a new window vs. new tab in the hotkey profile window). This actually is related to the iTerm bug I posted, haha Thanks.
  20. I'm using iTerm's "quake window" feature (I have a specific half-screen sized window,that drops when I hit the `~` (tilda) button). This opens a new tab in that profile, but doesn't activate the actual window. It may be related to this bug I previously opened for iTerm, which is sort-of related to activating the "hotkey profile". I would also be interesting to be able to choose whether the script ( opens a new tab / reuses one tab *it opened* / opens a window / reuses one window it opened ). Don't know if that's feasible, but I would definitely choose a reused tab/window instead of a new one every time. Thanks!
  21. @frankspin - I tried with the updated file and still get the same problem. However today, I noticed that (sort of relevant) results flickered for a second before reverting back to default engine search (happened also before I updated). So it's doing something right before getting messed up (sls worked I think, not slim).
  22. I often forget to turn it off Is there a companion app that can show the state of the system Caffeinate? I found one called Caffeine but it has it's own status and does not reflect whatever I set from this plugin. thanks
  23. I was just thinking how awesome it would be to set timeouts for apps to be frozen across the entire laptop automatically. Like if I haven't switched to some app for a while, auto-suspend it. It would require an exclusion list (like to ignore terminal and chat apps), but I still think it can be awesome for battery life. Yeah, almost forgot to say thanks, learned a new thing today about the kill command
  24. Hey, wonderful workflow, I love it. I recently found this freeze workflow, which I think can be a great addition to your workflow (like a modifier for the 'kill' command). tl;dr - it uses kill -STOP and kill -CONT to suspend/resume processes.
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