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Everything posted by Florian

  1. Hey guys, I made an audio converter that works very simply with Alfred, works with single file or multiple files. It can basically be any format to any format, but I made it anything to high quality mp3. Changing that or making it customizable should be straightforward. Though installing the whole thing is somewhat complicated since I'm too lazy to make a pkg. Is anyone interested?
  2. Well in that case a "basic package" of what an image can be would be a start. Because as you said, it can be so many different extensions, I don't always have all the types on my computer.
  3. It is super useful to have Navigation in the history though. But it is annoying how it block cycling the history indeed...
  4. Often, the way we (at least I) use the default fallbacks is to avoid typing the associated keyword. Or because you just jump onto writing what you have in mind without worrying about what you want to do with it just yet. For that reason I think it would make sense to have the ability to use every workflow as a default fallback (and not just the fallback searches). What I'm looking for exactly here is a way to have the script filters as fallback results. Some of those will have only one result (currency converter, translator...) thus having them in the fallback results would be pretty straight forward. For those with more results (google search, youtube search...) it'd need something more. Like pressing enter on them would display the fed back results. What do you think ?
  5. I guess I didn't make myself clear. Since there is the ability to dynamically change the picture of the highlighted result, you might end up getting confused about what exactly the action is. I guess it would be a poor workflow design in that case but still.
  6. What would you think of a way to select a category of files for 'actions' (in File Filter) like audio or video. Drag & drop is fine but I don't always have all the file types I want to use for an extension on my computer.
  7. So much responsiveness! Amazing, thanks!
  8. Are you planning on having the results fed back to Alfred so that we don't even have to press enter? =D please do ! I use your old extension all the time
  9. Here is a modified version of the one viticci posted, with added "new note" capabilities. http://cl.ly/MAf8 Just away if you have questions
  10. Hey guys, do you think it might make sense to have an option in Alfred Pref to see the selected action's picture on the input line (instead of just on the result lines). The reason is this: since we now have the ability to dynamically change the pictures displayed in results, we might need some kind of reminder of what action is about to run. Just a thought. F.
  11. Hey guys, great work When I look for youtube videos, one the things I look at the most is the number of views, would it be easy for you to add that to the subtitle? Cheers.
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