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? How to copy Google Maps workflow to Apple Maps

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I liked a workflow I downloaded called Advanced Google Maps Search

I would like to re-build it to work on Apple Maps


I am not a coder and would like to know if something other would like and if there is someone who can direct on how to do it?




Hi @sensor, Welcome to the forum!


Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile? This is only visible to admins, but allows us to confirm your Powerpack user status, given you're using workflows and asking for support with them :)




@sensor Thanks for filling in your details.


It looks like @stuartcryan answered the question in the other thread in which you posted a similar question, which is whether it's *possible*, which seems to be the case. Good start.



At this stage, a fellow Apple Maps user may be able to help you out - or you can take a look at Stuart's workflow to see what has been done and see whether you can experiment with modifying the workflow yourself :)



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