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Searching bookmarks by URL in High Sierra

Eric S.

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I'm running Alfred 3.5.1 on macOS 10.12.6.  The updated bookmarks search feature is great, but it doesn't search by URL.  Honestly I'm not sure if the previous incarnation did either.  I'm currently using a workflow I found on another thread (thanks @deanishe) that searches URLs, but it relies on Spotlight bookmark metadata that is no longer available in High Sierra.


I really like the ability to search Safari bookmarks by URL, so much so that I'm hesitating upgrading to HS.  Is there any way to get this functionality back?  The URL is listed when I search by bookmark title, so I assume the information is available for Alfred to index with the bookmarks.  So can I request this capability be added to Alfred?



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So looking at the changelog, I learned that you can search bookmarks by hostname.  But in trying it, it seems to work when typing the beginning of the hostname.  Can this be enhanced so I can type the middle of a hostname and still have it match?


Or does anyone have a workflow that accomplishes the same thing?



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3 hours ago, Eric S. said:

Can this be enhanced so I can type the middle of a hostname and still have it match?


No. Alfred’s search does not work that way. I believe a match must always start at the beginning of a “word”.


3 hours ago, Eric S. said:

Or does anyone have a workflow that accomplishes the same thing?


I’m going to add hostname to my (new) Safari workflow. It’ll probably be an option you need to turn on. The workflow supports fuzzy search, so it will also pick up matches in the middle of words.


Should be done this weekend.



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23 hours ago, deanishe said:

I’m going to add hostname to my (new) Safari workflow. It’ll probably be an option you need to turn on. The workflow supports fuzzy search, so it will also pick up matches in the middle of words.


Second this. Please, add to existing queries, though, to search both in item name and URL simultaneously, if possible.

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