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List all native Alfred keywords and hotkeys?

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Is there a native function (or a workflow) to list all the native Alfred hotkeys, keywords, etc that I have on? I have found a handful of workflows that will list commands and hotkeys for added workflows, but as a newer Alfred user I have a hard time remembering the native hotkeys and commands. I keep having to open preferences to see the hotkeys for file actions and such, would be great if I could just remember one command to list all these as I learn them over time. Apologies if this has been discussed before, searched around but could not find anything. This would be super helpful for a newb like me. Thanks!!

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Another option is to use mind maps. For example I had the same problem of not being able to remember things but instead of hotkeys it was external triggers that I call with Karabiner. 


I made a mind map in MindNode that I can easily open and query in case I need something. The fact that mind maps are visual too helps me remember things.

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