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How to Use Alfred to Write Assertively

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A colleague of mine, a young woman on an all-male team, took a work assessment test and learned she is one of the least assertive people out there. So she co-opted Alfred in a way that forces her to write more assertively and directly. She works on a fully remote team where written language makes up the majority of communication. 


I wrote an article about her story with instruction for uses Alfred in the same way, to remove hedging language and be more direct. Enjoy! https://zapier.com/blog/tech-trick-to-write-assertively/

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Kudos for the solution! Though as someone who wrote a few language-related Workflows, I will say I was a bit disappointed. I was expecting an Alfred-specific solution, but any text expansion app (including macOS’ native text substitutions) would work.

Still, it’s an interesting approach and I’d like to see this integrated into text editors. Hemingway App is the closest I know of, though it does not catch all the cases you wrote about.

Thank you for sharing.

A final non-related note to who sets up the blog. Having three different advertisements that show up in two different ways and cover up words in the article did not make for a pleasant read.

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