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[SOLVED] Run attached script in terminal command

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Hey there.

I'm developing worflow, that will run pre-built script in current terminal. "Run command: is not suitable, cause I need to get all of the output to current terminal, so I'm using "Terminal command" action.

The problem is I can't find any way to get the path of worflow folder to run that script. Is it possible?

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2 hours ago, unkmas said:

The problem is I can't find any way to get the path of worflow folder to run that script. Is it possible?


The workflow folder is the working directory when your workflow script is run, so pwd.

Edited by deanishe
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3 hours ago, deanishe said:


The workflow folder is the working directory when your workflow script is run, so pwd.

No, working directory - is current directory of terminal for "Terminal command" action. It is workflow folder only for "Run command" action.

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13 hours ago, vitor said:

Before the Terminal Command, add a Run Script with echo -n "${PWD}" (pwd will print a new line, and echo -n won’t). You can then access the Workflow’s directory in the Terminal Command with {query}.

Yeah, that's brilliant, thanks!

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  • vitor changed the title to [SOLVED] Run attached script in terminal command

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