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Advanced file search

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I'm new to Alfred and already loving it. 

I'm working a lot with tags for my files and use hazel to auto-tag my scanned office papers. Using filesearch with tags works fine. But I want to narrow down the result with just adding a part of the filename. That's weired because alfred switches to search google now ... Am I missing something?

e. g. "tags invoice %customer name%

where 'invoice is my tag and %customer name% the variable for the actual customer I'm searching for

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Right. It sounded like you were expanding a variable…


To answer your question: you can't do that with the tags search. It searches tags only with AND semantics. So if you enter any query that matches no tags, you'll get no results.


You could probably create a File Filter that does what you want, though.


What I do with common tags like todo is create a Saved Search for all files tagged todo and then filter the files in the saved search in Alfred with my Smart Folders workflow.

Edited by deanishe
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