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Ability to search inside Snippet

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I bought Alfred 3 powerback. I have 1250 snippets that used to run on Windows software called ShortKeys. I exported my snippets as text file (only option). i could not bring to Alfred 3.  There is no way to import them to Alfred 3 from text file. I will put all of them in one snippet as text. I will just search a keyword when i need info about something. However, there is no option to search within snippet. We really want the ability to search inside snippet for keywords. In my case, i have 6k lines notes in text. I will create a snippet and paste those notes. Then, when i need something, i will open this specific snippet and search inside it. Please, Please add this feature. 

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Hi @braveheart1980, welcome to the forum.


I'm not entirely clear on what you're doing. Why are you putting all 1250 existing snippets into one Alfred snippet?


It sounds like you want to search through an already-pasted snippet. That isn't really possible from Alfred: once you've inserted a snippet, the text belongs to the app it was inserted in and other apps (like Alfred) can't just search through it.


3 hours ago, braveheart1980 said:

There is no way to import them to Alfred 3 from text file


We use external tools to convert other snippet formats into Alfred's snippet format, so you can import them. AFAIK, there isn't such a tool for ShortKeys yet, but creating one sounds like the proper solution.


A simpler way might be to put the snippets in a List Filter, which you can activate with a Snippet Trigger, then search for and paste the text you're looking for.

Edited by deanishe
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@deanishe Hi, You said the following: "It sounds like you want to search through an already-pasted snippet. That isn't really possible from Alfred: once you've inserted a snippet, the text belongs to the app it was inserted in and other apps (like Alfred) can't just search through it". My comment: I totally understand. I am not talking about another app. What simply i want to do is 1- open a .txt file in Mac 2- Command+A (select everything 6k lines) 3- Go to Alfred 3 snippet section. 4- Create a snippet 5- Command+V (to paste). Then i wan to be able to search within this snippet in case i want to look for something. That's set. It is similar to basically when you look for a word in txt file. I want to be able to do the same within the snippet. This is very doable and it can be easily done. It is very beneficial for somebody like me who takes a lot of notes.   

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