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Alfred Workflow Config

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Hello again.


I'm rebuilding my own Alfred-Time Workflow (use Toggl and/or Harvest with Alfred) and I started developing some PHP packages to ease the development of Alfred Workflows in PHP. Last week I've released Alfred Workflow ScriptFilter that allows you to create a ScriptFilter output. This week I've worked on handling configuration settings. I think it's quite nice when we developed a Workflow not to bother spending time on things that are common to a lot of them. So if you use PHP and need to store some config, you might want to have a look at the package I've made. Here's the GitHub link: https://github.com/godbout/alfred-workflow-config


Currently it's tailored for my needs. For example there's no feature to delete a config file. If you need stuff like that, you can open an issue on GitHub or we can talk about it here. I'll see how I can extend usefully.


Happy productivity!

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