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Everything posted by godbout

  1. i was using Menu Bar Search with a hotkey before but it would drive nuts so slow it was and now it's so so nice hahahhaha thanks again Vitor.
  2. ah. true. so does Alfred recommend any File Provider over another now? i think the doc used to prefer Dropbox in the past. thanks VitorGPT 😃️
  3. OH! another one that i didn't know. yeah i sync with Dropbox. wasn't aware of the "making available offline". thought that was how Dropbox was working actually lol. doing this and let's see. thanks again and will update if needed.
  4. OH! had no idea. for some reason i've never landed on that help page. hmm. that's fantastic. thanks Vitor. still a lot to learn!
  5. am i missing something? basically i find using hotkeys for Workflows unusable, because by the time Alfred shows up most of what i've typed is gone and hasn't been caught by Alfred's input. i would expect Alfred to shows up immediately, and to catch my input if necessary for filtering the Results of a Workflow. is there something i'm doing wrong here? thanks.
  6. * What you were doing when the issue happened: trying to edit the Note of an object in a Workflow * Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action: yes, constantly * Include any screenshots that might help us: recorded a video with Screenshot but can't upload it * Include the Alfred version & build number you are using (don't say "latest" - you'll find a version number in the Update tab of Alfred's preferences): Alfred 5.5 [2257] * Include your macOS version: 14.4.1 (23E224)
  7. 4.1.0 out. adds a warning in the README and in the Workflow that you need to add Alfred to the Bluetooth Privacy Settings: https://github.com/godbout/alfred-airpodspro-connector/releases/tag/4.1.0
  8. 0.10.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.10.0 * add Hack The Box Forums * add Open Exchange Rates * add PortSwigger * add "app" matching for Hack The Box
  9. wondering if that has ever been implemented? my PHPs are installed through asdf, not homebrew. so currently i have a manual symlink through within the homebrew bin. works, but kinda suck.
  10. 0.9.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.9.0 * add Stack Exchange * add TryHackMe
  11. 0.8.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.8.0 * add DigitalOcean * add Vultr * readd Linode
  12. 0.7.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.7.0 * add RealVNC
  13. 0.6.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.6.0 * add possibility to toggle Curated Logins time to ask for what you need so that i implement them!
  14. 0.5.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.5.0 add setting for sorting Alfred Results (by usage or by name) add Docker Hub add (again?) Hack The Box Academy
  15. README updated to explain how to create own Custom Logins: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee
  16. thank you Vitor! oh. hahahhahahahhahha. my bad. definitely didn't mean it. there's a bunch of Portuguese people where i live and they tend to add "inho" everywhere. but maybe not to obrigado yeah. but also maybe old locals (Macanese) do. they tend to use very old Portuguese grammar and speaking style. but again, maybe i'm wrong. claro que o meu Chines e muito melhor que o meu Portugues. (as you can see.) have a great weekend too!
  17. 0.4.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.4.0 * loading Logins is now dynamic, hence: 1. the Workflow comes with a list of curated Logins (will be expanded. and will also be able to enable/disable Logins later) 2. but more importantly you can add your own Custom Logins by defining a path in the Workflow Configuration
  18. 0.3.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.3.0
  19. this is so cool 😂️😂️😂️ fuck i'm amazed. what winner Alfred is.
  20. 0.2.0 out: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee/releases/tag/0.2.0
  21. i built an app that is able to do this. but just to make it clear 1) i'm the author 2) if you don't subscribe sometimes the app bothers you and asks for a coffee (eww) 3) if you subscribe it's a, well, a sub. if interested i can tell more.
  22. @PhilosopherDog @benlim first release, can you check?: https://github.com/godbout/AlfredOnePee currently Services are hardcoded. lemme know which standard Services you use and i'll add them. later you'll have the possibility to add your custom URLs, and enable/disable the ones provided with the Workflow. doing this a little hardcore so there may be some issues, but still binary should be signed and notarized hence run smoothly. lemme know if you have any issue.
  23. me questioning was more related to the name itself of the Workflow lol i understand. this is very fair. just for the story, i'm asking because as i'm sure you know i like to craft my Workflows to be very straightforward and delightful for my users, which means the way to get the Workflow updated is important. now having to take care of my own Workflow Updater is a little more painful that i would like it to be (extra Alfred Workflow objects, extra automated tests etc.) so if i can know right away that i can skip that part, that's very nice for me. but ok, understood. i guess as long as the Workflow is in alpha/beta it's fair to expect the users to update manually. so all good. thanks. oh yeah i wasn't even thinking about 1Password 😂️😂️😂️ i'm not using any of their stuff, except once i add their web login URL in the Workflow (which i could remove if they have a problem with that but that would be very dumb). as stated above i was just curious about the One**Pee**. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH thank you for the detailed answer and for your time! no worries. no rush no pressure. as you said it's a pull process. i'm aware of that now. so all i can do is post my things and work on the next project. thanks again for all the work and help.
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