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Snippet color preview for 6 characters of text

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I have some snippets that just happen to be 6 characters, all of them valid hex digits.  For these snippets, I always see the color preview, when I just want to see the text I have entered for the snippet. It looks like there was a change made some time ago that allows 6 character snippets to be shown as a color preview, without any special syntax.


Is there any way to disable this? Even a snippet of 123456 shows a color preview. Thanks!



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4 hours ago, macosdude said:

Is there any way to disable this?


Don't think so. Is it a problem? I mean, it only happens with valid hex colours, so the whole text is still visible in the list and not having text preview shouldn't reduce usability.


Or are your snippets really awful colours? 😜

Edited by deanishe
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No, it doesn't affect the snippet getting copied to the clipboard, it just looks a little strange when you're scrolling through the list of snippets and most are at the top of the window, left justified. Then you come across a 6 character snippet of valid hex characters and it shows the color (which can be an awful color 🙂), and the associated text is centered at the bottom of the window.


It seems like there should be a more specific way to indicate an RGB color string, so that standard strings are not processed as colors.

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7 hours ago, macosdude said:

It seems like there should be a more specific way to indicate an RGB color string, so that standard strings are not processed as colors.


There is. The canonical format is #RRGGBB. The problem is that a lot of graphics apps look like this:




So when you copy a colour, you don't get the # with it.

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Oh right. I was confusing the clipboard history with the snippet viewer (i.e. I thought the snippet text was also visible in the list). Yeah, having the preview text move around like that is a bit annoying.


It would be nicer if the colour preview were below the text preview, so things aren't jumping around.

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I had to look back in the change log to find when this was added... It was added in Alfred 3.7.1, Build 946, Monday 17th December 2018 😆


While I'm not going to add an option to disable the colour preview, it's a fair point that the text moves. I will rearrange the preview in the next release to keep the text up the top left.

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