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How to show top level folders in iCloud/mobile documents?

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Something that has been bugging me for a long time is that when I try to search for top level folders like pages or numbers in ~/Library/Mobile Documents they don't show up.


I have  added ~/Library/Mobile to the default results and it shows files within the folders but not the folders themselves.


Can anybody give me any advice on how to make them show up in my search results?'

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basically you need to create a workflow for each one b/c they're not really folders (example is for Scanbot, in bash):


open "/Users/yourusernamehere/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~net~doo~scanbot/Documents"

osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to activate'


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29 minutes ago, jhncbrwn said:

Can anybody give me any advice on how to make them show up in my search results?


Use a workflow, or search for "documents" instead of the application name, because that's what each application folder in iCloud Drive is actually called.


As @dfay points out, iCloud Drive > Scanbot is actually called ~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~net~doo~scanbot/Documents, and that’s what the metadata indexer, and therefore Alfred, sees.


Alfred modifies results where appropriate to display the application name for stuff from your iCloud Drive, but it can't make the OS search engine return a folder that's actually called "Documents" for the search query "pages" to begin with.

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