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It would be great if you could somehow enter configurations in a workflow and these configurations would apply to the entire workflow. This could simply be a textbox with some JSON that the workflows could access and parse. I don't think anything fancy is needed.


For example, in my CloudApp workflow (more on this here), I need people who use it to edit a file to enter the credentials for their CloudApp account and archive the files themselves. It would be way easier if they could just import the workflow and fill out the needed fields.


You could add new keywords and scripts to edits the files programmatically. An add keyword could append to the end of a file, remove could grep the required line and remove it. Or you could look into using an sqlite database instead of text files if you think that would be better. Editing database entries might be simpler than greping and seding text files

For example, in my CloudApp workflow (more on this here), I need people who use it to edit a file to enter the credentials for their CloudApp account and archive the files themselves. It would be way easier if they could just import the workflow and fill out the needed fields.


In my GitHub Workflow I solved it this way: Video


At first the user only sees the login command (gh > login <user>, I use ">" as indicator for commands to manage the workflow itself). After calling this login command with a username, I open (with applescript) a dialogbox for the password. So the password does not appear in the Alfred history.




This is something that Andrew and I had discussed before. He's aware of the fact that it would be useful for workflow devs to have little things like this. Hopefully this is something that can be added in the future.

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