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Is there a way to refer to another workflow and return the result to the calling one?

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Hi, I want to create a workflow that creates an email with different variables. One of these variables is being created by another workflow (Calendly for Alfred https://github.com/sebwarnke/alfred-calendly ). So I want to start the main workflow and refer to the second, but then return to the first to use the created calendly link within my email content.

How can I achieve that? I did not find a proper object in Alfred...


Best, McAlm

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21 hours ago, McAlm said:

How can I achieve that?


You can't unless the workflow you're trying to get information out of explicitly supports it. External Triggers are the official way to call other workflows, but they're one-way only, so the workflow you're calling would need to be able to pass the results to an arbitrary External Trigger, and you would have to tell it to "call you back". Much like the way x-callback-url works.


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