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Backup my settings

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Dear friends,

My mac has problems and I tried to create a new user and log to it.

I want to transfer my settings from my current user to the new one.

I tried to save the settings on a shared folder and click it when logged to the new user but nothing happened.

Is there a way to backup all the setting and restore them?


Thank you.


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@Ilan Welcome to the forum :)


Depending on whether you've been syncing your preferences or not, here's where you'll find your preferences:


Non-synced Mac:

~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/


Synced Mac:

Check Alfred's Advanced preferences, where you'll see the sync folder you've set in the bottom right.


In that location, you'll find the Alfred.alfredpreferences bundle. Copy it to the same location in your new user profile to use these preferences. You'll need to activate your Powerpack license on your new profile as well.


Let us know if you need any further help.

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