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Notesy - Apple Notes Daily Note and logging Workflow

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After I played around with Obsidian and my Olog workflow I wondered about making one to do the same things but based in Apple Notes. That and I wanted to play with Shortcuts, so I present Notesy. yes I suck at naming things.

Creates a daily note with the name in ISO-8601 format YYYY-MM-dd in a Folder (Default is Work) and allows you to append selected text or clipboard contents with or without a time stamp.


Workflow available here on GitHub - README and Workflow info has links to the required Apple Shortcuts.




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  • 2 months later...

Looking forward to iOS 16 and MacOS Ventura so the Shortcuts actions can be improved to deal with creating folders and notes.
Alfred 5 might even add some more fun things.


I've now migrated from Obsidian to using Apple Notes and this workflow so I'll be updating it as required and removing as much complexity as possible when I get a moment or two.

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Well that's embarrassing. Found an error in Notesy Oneupdater which means you won't get the new version.


Just updated to V1.5 which is a bit cleaner and requires one less shortcut.
Also the Append shortcut has been updated so opening the daily note via command odn doesn't put in a - as default each time.

Next update is likely after the new Shortcuts actions for Notes come out as I don't have a spare machine to play with betas right now, but the plan is you'll be able to choose the Notes folder as a variable in the workflow and won't need to edit the shortcuts or manually create a notes folder before you can use the workflow properly.


Have fun.

Edited by Pearcen
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