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new user: how can I set up a hotkey for a group of apps (eg. browsers), so that I can then single-click on one app to open it?

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I Just bought Alfred Powerpack; I cannot find how to do this simple task anywhere (but I'm sure one of you knows how!)


Other than searching, I want a simple setup where I type a hotkey and I get a window of related apps (say, web browsers) wherein I can just click on the desired app (browser).


I wish to set up multiple groups of related apps (eg. audio editors, video editors, office apps), each group having a hotkey.


I truly cannot find how to do this on the website docs; can someone please point me to the relevant tutorial?


Thanks in advance, M.

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Hey Mick,


What you need are List Filters (I love List Filters!)


Here you create a new entry, give it a name eg "Text Edit" add an icon if you like, then in the Argument area you put the path to the application… connect that to an Open File action and you're done!


Here's a quick mockup for you to toy with, enjoy!


https://www.dropbox.com/s/i859mlsxcbye46l/Popup Menus for Mick Sanders.alfredworkflow?dl=0

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