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Posted (edited)

Bash Workflow Handler


As my OmniFocus workflow does most of its work in the shell, I created a bash workflow handler to reduce the overhead when creating feedback xml and dealing with preferences.




Download it from GitHub and put it into your workflow directory.




Import handler into your script

. workflowHandler.sh


Create feedback XML

# create feedback entries
addResult "uid" "arg" "title" "subtitle" "icon" "valid" "autocomplete"

# get feedback xml


Get BundleID



Get data dir



Get cache dir



Store preferences

# store volatile
setPref "key" "value" 0

# store non-volatile
setPref "key" "value" 1


Read preferences

# read volatile pref
MYVAR=$(getPref "key" 0)

# read non-volatike pref
MYVAR=$(getPref "key" 1)
Edited by _mk_



Thanks. I wanted to use your workflow to get the path of the Data directory, (as the data() method in http://dferg.us/workflows-class/ php)


I ended up doing:


		NVPREFS="${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/"
		BUNDLEID=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy  -c "Print :bundleid" "info.plist")
		cp ${NVPREFS}${BUNDLEID}/myfile.txt ${NVPREFS}${BUNDLEID}/myfile.txt.bak
		#rm library.json.bak



It would be nice to have such kind of method in you workflow handler :-)

Posted (edited)

This would simply be:




But I could add a convenience method to make things more comfortable.


Also be sure to always quote your paths as the path includes spaces. That way you don't have to deal with the IFS.

Edited by _mk_

I updated the handler to include two new convenience functions the get the DATA and CACHE dir of the workflow. I also changed the order of the arguments of the addData function to better handle empty values for valid and autocomplete.


I updated the handler to include two new convenience functions the get the DATA and CACHE dir of the workflow. I also changed the order of the arguments of the addData function to better handle empty values for valid and autocomplete.

Thanks!!Very cool


Based on the comments by Vítor in another thread I changed the license of the workflow handler to be as permissive as possible. I do not want to throw obstacles in people's ways when using the handler. So feel free to do whatever you want with it.


I made an important update to the workflowHandler:

  • When generating the feedback XML special chars are properly escaped.
  • Trying to save preferences with the & char caused weired behavior on the shell


Everyone using the workflowHandler should update to the latest version.

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