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Can't find Deepl application


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As that works perfectly well on my Mac (i.e., Alfred does find DeepL) you'd better tell us:

  • what versions of Alfred and macOS you are using;
  • what the result is of dragging the DeepL app into Alfred's file troubleshooting window (Help → Troubleshooting → File Search Troubleshooting).


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Ok Thanks. Problem solved.


Check MDQuery file search...
 macOS did not return a match for this file in your search scope. Try resetting Alfred's Preferences > Features > Default Results > Search Scope > Reset... to "Reset to Full Disk"
File Search Results for search scope (
File Search Results for ~/ (
File Search Results for / (
    "[0] /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/DeepL.app"
 Troubleshooting failed


After reset to full disk, Alfred does find DeepL.

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