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Snippet Transformer — Import and Export Alfred Snippet Collections to and from CSV


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Convert CSV files to Alfred Snippet Collections via the Universal Action. The Snippet Collection will be saved to the Desktop and opened for import into Alfred if the option in set in the Workflow’s Configuration.


Converting from a Snippet Collection to CSV is also available.


Alternatively, search for CSV or Snippet Collection files via the csvsnip and snipcsv keywords.



Import macOS Text Replacements as a new Alfred Snippet Collection via the trimport keyword.


⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source

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  • 1 month later...

When reporting issues, please include your exact installed versions of:

  • The Workflow.
  • Alfred.
  • macOS.

In addition to:

  • The debugger output. Perform the failing action, click “Copy” on the top right and paste it here.
  • Details on what you did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. A short video of the steps with the debugger open may help to find the problem faster.

Thank you. Accurate and thorough information is crucial for a proper diagnosis which allows me to help you better.

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  • 5 months later...

I have a collection of snippets that I wanted to modify because I had added a suffix to each snippet that I wanted to remove. To do this, I exported the collection (with the same name +#2) and converted it to CSV using its 'snippets transformer' workflow with correct results. I opened the CSV file and modified the snippets (removing the incorrect suffix I had added to each one) and saved the file. Later, I performed the reverse process and converted the .CSV file back to a .alfredsnippets file using its workflow, which was then imported into Alfred 5. After installing the new collection (with #2), I added a (*) general suffix to it. However, when I try to expand text with a snippet from the collection, I get no results. I tried to delete the created collection, but it's impossible, and an error message appears in the top left corner saying: 'The file “XXX(2)” could not be moved to the trash.' What did I do wrong? Thanks

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19 hours ago, vitor said:

That’s not going to be related to the workflow. If you cannot delete a snippet collection, and with that message, it’s likely that your syncing service is misbehaving.


See https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/19602-cannot-delete-snippet-collection/ and https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/18173-unable-to-delete-personal-snippets/



Indeed. It was all Dropbox's fault (in its new location). Thank you very much for everything. Great workflow.

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