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Syncing Snippets

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Hi all, 


I ran into an issue with snippets not syncing. I know they used to so because I have most of my snippets on all three computers I use (my two home office machines and my in-office machines). But when I recently tried to update a snippet, it won't sync across. 


I did some digging and found this article that notes that snippets and other settings aren't synced. Is this a new change? 


Rather than being helpful, this is actually counterproductive for me and creates problems. 


Is there a way to force the sync of snippets? The other things that won't sync I can work around. But I rely on my snippets being consistent regardless of which machine I use. If there is no way to sync them, that actually really diminishes the value of Alfred to me. 


Thanks in advance for any help. 

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I don't believe it's correct to say that Snippets themselves don't sync between machines: see the comment in the penultimate paragraph on this Alfred help page.


That means that we need to work out why your Snippets are apparently not synchronising between machines. In that context it's probably helpful to tell us:

  • what Alfred and macOS versions you're using;
  • what sync method you're using and how it's set up (e.g., if Dropbox have you ensured files are available off-line?);
  • whether other Alfred items, like workflows, are synchronising between your machines.


Edited by Stephen_C
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