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How to pipe output to a new Alfred look-up session?

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Hey everyone,


I am writing my first workflow. After doing everything in JXA, I discovered https://github.com/sindresorhus/alfy, which I enjoy.


In my use case, I have a simple API endpoint returning JSON. In that endpoint, I can search/filter for a title, but I am interested in the key property. When pressing tab or enter I set autocomplete and the key to key

In other words, a video is more helpful than my description:


(Screen capture is from this workflow)


After pressing tab/enter on Breaking Bad, it takes the output key of it and launches like a new search instance.


How do I achieve this in JavaScript land?

Edited by Kalaschnik
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2 hours ago, Kalaschnik said:

After doing everything in JXA, I discovered https://github.com/sindresorhus/alfy, which I enjoy.

If you’re using a library, then it becomes a question for its author or documentation.


2 hours ago, Kalaschnik said:

When pressing tab or enter I set autocomplete and the key to key.

That part is unclear. There is an autocomplete key in Alfred’s Script Filter JSON, but no key. What exactly are you doing?


3 hours ago, Kalaschnik said:

After pressing tab/enter on Breaking Bad, it takes the output key of it and launches like a new search instance.


The way to force the autocomplete to expand on ↩ is to set valid to false. The Script Filter then reruns because the input changed. Presumably (haven’t verified), that workflow is checking if the input starts with a known string (t: or m:) to react accordingly.


3 hours ago, Kalaschnik said:

How do I achieve this in JavaScript land?

The language is irrelevant. All that matters is that you output the correct JSON.

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30 minutes ago, vitor said:

The way to force the autocomplete to expand on ↩ is to set valid to false. The Script Filter then reruns because the input changed. Presumably (haven’t verified), that workflow is checking if the input starts with a known string (t: or m:) to react accordingly.

That part is really helpful! Thank you vitor!

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